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Scaling The E-Commerce Recommendation System

Scaling The E-Commerce Recommendation System

Event: iThome Hello World Dev Conference
Speaker: Arthur Huang

LINE Developers Taiwan

September 23, 2024

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  1. 01 02 03 04 Multi-Stage Recommender Retrieval Ranking Challenges in

    LINE SHOPPING CONTENT 05 Re-rank 06 Model Training
  2. Arthur Huang LINE Taiwan Machine Learning Engineer Work Experience •

    LINE Taiwan MLE (2021~Now) • SHOPLINE DE (2019~2021)
  3. Challenges in LINE SHOPPING 特點項目文字 特點項目 999 特點項目文字 特點項目 Complex

    Scenario Huge Item • More than 20 types of recommendations. • More than millions of products.
  4. Multi-Stage Recommender Item Corpus • Quickly retrieve users' interested items.

    Ranking Re-rank millions hundreds dozens dozens Recommended Items • Ranking based on user behavior in the module. Ranking by Diversity, Freshness Business Logic. Retrieval • Ranking by Diversity, Freshness, Business Logic millions hundreds dozens dozens
  5. Retrieval - Training Two-Tower Model • Learning User-Item Embeddings •

    Target • Positive:Clicked Items • Negative:In-batch negative sampling
  6. Feature Engineering Example : Spotify Million Playlist Dataset • Numeric

    Feature • Normalization • Power Transform • Wilson Score Interval (e.g. CTR) • Categorical Feature • One-Hot Encoding • Label Encoding + Embedding Layer • e.g. User ID, Item ID • Feature Hashing • Ordinal Encoding • Frequency Encoding • Text Feature • Bert Encoding
  7. Feature Engineering • Embedding Layer • Parameters Size = num_embeddings

    × embedding_dim • Shared Embedding • Reduce Parameters Size
  8. Ranking - Training Deep Ranking Network • Learning the probability

    of click event. • Target (Focus on Module Interaction) • Positive : Click • Negative : Impression but no click. Ranking based on user behavior in the module.
  9. Why can't we use items that were impression but not

    clicked as negative samples during retrieval? Item Corpus Ranking Re-rank millions hundreds dozens dozens Recommended Items Retrieval • Interest: Click • No Interest: Almost Item Corpus • Very Interest: Click • Interest: Impression but not Click
  10. Rerank Diversity Freshness • Do not show items form the

    same category in a sequence. • Promote fresher items. Business Logic • Promotion / Holiday Campagin • Product Profit