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Vue in LINE and choice

Vue in LINE and choice

2019/08/06 v-tw meetup #003 @LINE TW - Vue 開發上的實務問題與經驗分享

LINE Developers Taiwan

August 06, 2019

More Decks by LINE Developers Taiwan

Other Decks in Programming


  1. LINE TODAY const BackButton = () => import('modules/views/shares/BackButton.vue' ) import

    BackButton from 'modules/views/shares/BackButton.vue' const BackButton = () => ({ component: import('modules/views/shares/BackButton.vue' ), loading: LoadingComponent , error: ErrorComponent , delay: 200, timeout: 4000 })
  2. computed: { _displayCategoryList() { return this._categoryList.map(category => { return {

    id: idParser(category.id), underLoading: true } }) • PURE FUNCTIONS • DO IT IN MUTATION
  3. VUE Router WRAPPER • Store history path in to custom

    array • SessionStorage • When history index === 1 history.length === 1 https://today.line.me/tw/article/LL8prz?_hlst=1
  4. VUE SSR APP Server Entry Client Entry Server Bundle Client

    Bundle Bundle Renderer HTML HYDRATION
  5. [Vue warn]: The client-side rendered virtual DOM tree is not

    matching server-rendered content. Bailing hydration and performing full client-side render. VUE SSR