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LOH Vision Functionalities

LOH Vision Functionalities

Vernon Jones

January 30, 2013

More Decks by Vernon Jones

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Func%onali%es   !  Create  and  Display   Property  Profiles  

    !  Assigned  Agent  Profiles   !  Dynamic  Photo   Galleries   !  Embed  Videos  and   Upload  Photos   !  Live  Streaming  Media   Feeds   !  Social  Media  Plugins   !  Analy%c  Data  Mining   !  3rd  Party  Adver%sing   PlaDorm  to  generate   income   ™  
  2. Upload  videos  and  photos  in  ANY  format  to  the  LOH

     Vision   System.  Users  can  toggle  through  all  the  photos  and  watch   Branded  Video  content.  The  users  have  the  ability  to   comment  on  the  media  content  via  Facebook  and  TwiOer.  
  3. Each  Property  Profile  includes  an  in  depth  Agent  Profile.  

    Users  are  able  to  connect  with  the  Agent  on  Facebook,   TwiOer,  and  by  email.  Each  Agent  Profile  is  uploaded  once   and  can  be  chosen  thereaQer.  
  4. Pedestrians  love  to  find  new  and  interes%ng  places  in  their

      area.  LOH  Vision  allows  users  to  explore  the  neighborhood   features  with  an  embed  of  our  customized  Interac%ve  Google   Map.  
  5. While  searching  for  proper%es,  it  is  crucial  for  poten%al  

    clients  to  find  nearby  aOrac%ons  such  as  transporta%on,   schools,  nightlife,  parks,  banks,  etc.  Your  Interac%ve  Window   now  becomes  a  highly  sought  aQer  community  tool.  
  6. The  LOH  Vision  search  module  is  highly  intui%ve,  providing  

    the  op%ons  to  filter  proper%es  by  region,  size,  type,  and   price.  The  results  of  the  search  then  show  up  on  the   Interac%ve  Map  as  engaging  icons.  
  7. Provide  users  with  automated  real  %me  local  real  estate  

    news.  Brokers  can  choose  which  media  outlets  they  would   like  to  display.  They  also  have  the  op%on  add  an  unlimited   amount  of  new  media  outlets.  The  brokerage  firm  becomes  a   place  where  everyday  passerby's  can  absorb  Real  Time   informa%on.    
  8. Poten%al  clients  have  the  op%on  of  commen%ng  on  the  

    property  via  Facebook  and  TwiOer.  In  order  to  protect  the   Broker's  social  media  pages  from  being  maliciously  used,  the   Broker  must  approve  the  messages  before  they  are  posted.  
  9. Numbers  are  just  as  important  as  clients  in  the  Real

     Estate   game.  The  LOH  Vision  system  is  your  personal  pulse  market   radar.  Our  soQware  retains  all  engagement  informa%on  and   neatly  organized  it  in  a  cohesive  chart  form.    
  10. Allow  users  to  connects  their  cell  phones  with  your  

    Interac%ve  Window.   Expected  Launch  Date:  June  2013   Further  details  coming  soon…  
  11. Would  local  merchants  like  to  become  Engagement  Partners?   Interac%ve

     Window  gives  them  the  opportunity  to  embed   their  adver%sing  material  on  the  User  Interface  without   disrup%ng  the  User’s  Experience.  Use  the  Interac%ve  Window   3rd  party  ad  plaDorm  to  easy  collect  fund  the  ad  campaigns.   Expected  Launch  Date:  May  15th,  2013  
  12. Have additional questions about the Interactive Window/Live Open House hyper

    local platforms? Don’t hesitate to swing by our Midtown NYC office, or contact us: Live Open House LLC 35 W 38th Street, suite #5E New York, NY 10018 Office: 212.398.3113 Email: [email protected] @liveopenhouse fb.com/liveopenhouse @liveopenhouse pinterest.com/liveopenhouse