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Interactive Window Slide Deck

Interactive Window Slide Deck

Interactive Window has built an ecosystem of interactive retail digital signage platforms coupled with wireless cell phone data transfer technology and infrared facial detection software that's used to maximize target advertising.

Vernon Jones

January 24, 2013

More Decks by Vernon Jones

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Problem   !  72%  of  Retail  storefronts  use  Digital  Signage,

      and  2%  of  those  are  Interac<ve   !  Store  owner  is  losing  out  on  local  consumer   engagement   !  Retailers  do  not  get  analy<c  viewership  reports   !  Adver<sing  is  general   !  Effec<veness  is  an  unknown  variable   !  Store  or  (real  estate)  is  limited  to  hours  of   opera<on  to  sell  inventory   !  Premium  storefront  rent  is  not  maximized    
  2. Solu<on   !  Digital  signage  soIware  and  interac<ve  touch  

    through  glass  technology   !  Infrared  facial  detec<on  soIware  that   determines  age,  gender,  and  mood  of  users   !  Retail  merchandising  algorithm  that  presents   the  user  with  targeted  inventory  choices   !  Ancillary  social  website  built  for  each  industry   that  harvests  fresh  content  (LOH.TV  for  the   real  estate  industry,  frowfashion.com  (Front   Row  Fashion)    
  3. Market  Valida<on   !  In  2012,  digital  adver<sing  surpassed  $100B

     in   revenue  with  a  15%  expected  growth  rate   !  US  Brands  spent  $12.86B  on  interac<ve   display  marke<ng  in  2012,  and  will  spend   $16B  in  2013,  and  $19.8B  in  2014.   !  CAGR  of  20%  from  2012  -­‐  2016   !  85%  of  luxury  brands  will  increase  digital   signage  marke<ng  in  2013  
  4. Hardware   !  Touch  Foil  Technology:  paper  thin  nanotech  layer

     that   easily  adheres  to  any  glass  surface.  Sta<c  electricity   from  the  finger  transfers  through  the  glass,  in  turn   manipula<ng  the  digital  environment   !  40”  Ultra  Slim  LED  Monitor  that  is  less  than  a  half  an   inch  wide   !  Customized  Shucle  CPU  with  high  quality  graphic   capabili<es  and  sufficient  RAM  for  maximum  reac<on   <me   !  Infrared  HD  camera  and  facial  detec<on  soIware  that   determines  age,  gender,  and  mood  of  all  users  that   use  the  Interac<ve  Window  technology  
  5. SoIware   !   HTML5  based  kiosk  plagorm  with  a

     built  in  Content   Management  System  portal  for  Clients   !   Original  algorithm  that  places  descrip<ve  ‘tags’  on  each  unit  of   inventory  within  the  retailer’s  merchandising  porgolio.  The   Interac<ve  Window  soIware  extracts  the  user  profile  data   points  and  displays  inventory  choices  that  correspond  with   those  data  points.  For  example,  if  a  25  year  old  female  is  a  user   at  the  Tommy  Hilfiger  Interac<ve  Window,  our  system  will   display  jeans,  tees,  or  any  other  clothing  that  fits  the  criteria  for   a  25  year  old  female   !   NFC  soIware  that  detects  cell  phones  in  close  proximity  to  the   Interac<ve  Window  and  allows  users  to  make  purchases   without  inpulng  credit  card  informa<on   !   Social  Media  plugins  that  allow  users  to  connect  to  the  Retailers   company  pages  and  send  personal  messages  
  6. 1,250   Business  Model   Monthly  membership  subscrip2on   $275

      Average  Monthly  Fee  for   Interac<ve  Window   Subscrip<on   Interac<ve  Window   Membership  by  Jan  2014     $4,125,000   Projected  2015  Revenue  
  7. What’s  Included  in  the  Subscrip<on   !  Around  the  clock

     soIware  maintenance   !  License  to  use  LOH  Vision  HTML5  Kiosk  SoIware   !  3rd  party  adver<sing  plagorm  that  allows  Retail   Clients  to  collect  adver<sing  income  through  the   Interac<ve  Window  portal   !  Remote  control  digital  signage   !  Personal  hardware  technician   !  Featured  Channel  on  LOH.TV  
  8. Content,  Apps,  &  Online  Social  Networks   !  There  is

     a  close-­‐knit  culture  surrounding  the   industries  that  Interac<ve  Window  targets   !  For  each  industry  that  Interac<ve  Window  penetrates,   an  online  social  media  site  is  constructed  along  with  a   complimentary  app   !  The  site  &  app  will  host  the  fresh  content  uploaded  by   the  various  retailers  along  with  user-­‐generated   content   !  This  will  ensure  deep  penetra<on  for  each  individual   industry  and  facilitate  addi<onal  reach  for  clients  of   Interac<ve  Window  
  9. Compe<<on   Property   Uploads   Property   Search  

    Module   Contact   Capability   Agent   Profiles   Real  Time   Media  Feeds   Video   Capability   Social  Media   Integra<on   Consumer   Analy<cs   LOH  Vision’s  closest  compe<tor’s  soIware  performs  HALF  of  the  func<ons  of  LOH  Vision  
  10.                The  Buzz  

    Healthy  Real  Estate  Media   Rela<ons   The  Real  Deal,  The  Epoch  Times,  NY  Real   Estate  Journal,  Broker  Pulse,  Real  Estate   Weekly  
  11.                The  Buzz  Con<nued

      Healthy  Real  Estate  Media   Rela<ons   The  Real  Deal,  The  Epoch  Times,  NY  Real   Estate  Journal,  Broker  Pulse,  Real  Estate   Weekly  
  12. 2013  –  2014  Geographic  Market  Introduc<ons   Tokyo  –  September

     2014   San  Francisco  –  October  2013   Paris  –  May  2014   Toronto  &  Vancouver  –  June  2013   Miami  –  January  2014  
  13. 2013  –  2015  Industry  Introduc<ons   Fashion  –  September  2013

      Commercial  Banking  –   January  2014   Hospitality  –  January   2015