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Die Bedeutung von Continuous Integration & Depl...

Die Bedeutung von Continuous Integration & Deployment in großen Unternehmen

DevOps und Continuous Delivery verändern den Entwicklungsprozess nachhaltig. Statt wenigen Releases pro Jahr sind nun kontinuierliche Releases pro Tag das neue Normal. Es braucht daher eine integrierte Werkzeugkette und viel Automatisierung, um hochwertige Software kontinuierlich und effizient zu liefern. In anderen Worten: Software kommt vom Fließband. In diesem Vortrag skizzieren wir den Aufbau einer Software Supply Chain auf Enterprise Ebene und beleuchten aktuelle Trends und Techniken für risikoarme Releases, qualitativ hochwertige Produkte und zufriedene Teams.

M.-Leander Reimer

October 08, 2019

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  1. Continuous Delivery Less Rework Fast time to market Low Risk

    Releases Happier Teams Better Products Lower Costs Happier Users
  2. Continuous Delivery Less Rework Fast time to market Low Risk

    Releases Happier Teams Better Products Lower Costs Happier Users Continuous Integration Test Automation Maintainable Code Loosely Coupled Architectures Trunk-based Development Deployment Automation Monitoring & Alerting GitOps Continuous Security from Day 1
  3. 1. CI/CD can help accelerate business growth and increase revenue.

    2. The competition is already doing it. 3. Catching mistakes early helps you spend more time on meaningful work. 4. Customers feel satisfied and heard when products continuously evolve. 5. Security is built in from the very beginning. 6. Developers are happier and in organizations that embrace CI/CD. How to pitch continuous integration and continuous delivery in your organization https://cloud.withgoogle.com/build/app-development/cicd-continuous-integration-deployment-key-to-agile-devops/
  4. QAware GmbH München Aschauer Straße 32 81549 München xing.com/companies/qawaregmbh linkedin.com/company/qaware-

    gmbh slideshare.net/qaware twitter.com/qaware github.com/qaware youtube.com/qawaregmbh