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Method Acting (and other rapid QA processes)

Method Acting (and other rapid QA processes)

It's no secret that GitHub.com ships fast and often. As do our native clients: GitHub for Windows and GitHub for Mac.

I'll be taking a look at how GitHub for Mac ships quite unlike any other Mac app and how that has a knock-on effect for end-user testing.

Keeping bugs away from users and maintaining a high level of quality – all while shipping fast and often, means that our QA needs to be as rapid, collaborative and adaptable as the entire development process.

Luke Hefson

June 20, 2013

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  1. Time Constraints testing can cause latency between releases Code Changes

    a quickly evolving code base can results in: • a higher number of bugs • harder to find bugs • a greater risk that a fix will cause new bugs
  2. L Stra erg The Method trains actors to use their

    imagination, senses and emotions to conceive of characters with unique and original behavior, creating performances grounded in the human truth of the moment ” “
  3. ?

  4. Gerald Weinberg Would you fly on an airplane's maiden flight

    based on the assurance that all parts were tested prior to assembly? ” “
  5. Good Bug Reports reduce friction and if necessary provide: •

    detailed steps • expected behaviors articulate != verbose