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Architecting a Rails application

Luke Randall
February 02, 2012

Architecting a Rails application

How using design patterns beyond MVC will help you write better architected Rails applications.

Luke Randall

February 02, 2012

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  1. Architecting a Rails app A S H O R T

    S T O R Y by Luke Randall
  2. class User < ActiveRecord::Base extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable has_and_belongs_to_many :questionable_titles has_and_belongs_to_many :group_collectives

    belongs_to :preferred_group_collective, :class_name => 'GroupCollective' acts_as_authentic acts_as_audited :except => [:perishable_token, :last_request_at, :login_count, :last_login_at] i_want_to_hear_from_your_via :email validates_presence_of :name validate :has_an_authorized_fascist_score validates_format_of :password, :with => /(([0-9]+[A-Za-z]+)|([A-Za-z]+[0-9]+)).*/, :if => :require_password?, :message => "must include at least one number and one letter" def first_name name.andand.split.andand.first end def default_group_collective @default_group_collective ||= preferred_group_collective || group_collectives.first end def recent_group_collectives return [] unless recent_group_collectives_ids GroupCollective.find(:all, :conditions => ["id IN (?)", recent_group_collectives_ids.split(',')]) end def add_to_recent_group_collectives(group_collective_id) recent = recent_group_collectives_ids recent ||= '' ids = recent.split(',').insert(0, group_collective_id.to_s).uniq.select {|a| a}.first(10).join(',') update_attribute(:recent_group_collectives_ids, ids) end def remove_from_recent_group_collectives(group_collective_id) list = recent_group_collectives_ids.split(',') list.delete("#{group_collective_id}") self.recent_group_collectives_ids = list.join(',') self.save end def deliver_password_reset_instructions! reset_perishable_token! Notifier.deliver_password_reset_instructions(self) end # There are tnhaoeuhsaou oesnhuasonthu soaetnhu anoth: # * ntaohue sntahou snoatuhsntah stnoehu # * anstoeuh satnou sntahsntuha osnteh usnth # * sanoteh usnahsntuh santhousnthaosnthao sntuh # For more info snahtousa usahtnoeu snathousaotnhsn def is_group_superintendant?(space_station) is_space_station_superintendant?(space_station) && space_station.group_space_station? end def is_consolidation_superintendant?(space_station) is_space_station_superintendant?(space_station) && space_station.consolidation_space_station? end def is_space_station_superintendant?(space_station) return true if has_questionable_title?('super_user') # The user is a member of one of the space_station's group_collectives group_collectives.exists?(:space_station_id => space_station.id) && # and the user has the 'space_station_superintendant' questionable_title has_questionable_title?('space_station_superintendant') end def is_superintendant? has_questionable_title?('superintendant') || has_questionable_title?('super_user') end #memoize :is_superintendant? def is_master_and_commander_for_the_free_world? has_questionable_title?('super_user') end #memoize :is_master_and_commander_for_the_free_world? def authorized_to_access_group_collective?(group_collective_id, space_station = nil) log_time("authorizing #{email} for group_collective #{group_collective_id}", lambda { return false unless GroupCollective.exists?(group_collective_id) # If he is a master_and_commander_for_the_free_world he can access any group_collective return true if is_master_and_commander_for_the_free_world? # if the group_collective is associated with him then he can access it return true if group_collectives.exists?(group_collective_id) # The space_station parameter is required for authorization beyond this point return false if space_station.nil? # if he is a space_station_superintendant on a 'Group' space_station then he can only access the group_collective if it # belongs to the current space_station if is_group_superintendant?(space_station) return true if GroupCollective.exists?(:id => group_collective_id, :space_station_id => space_station.id) # if he is a consolidation_superintendant he can only access the group_collective if it # is beneath him in the consolidation tree elsif is_consolidation_superintendant?(space_station) return false unless space_station.group_collectives.exists?(:id => group_collective_id) # return false if the group_collective is not on his space_station # He is authorized if the group_collective is a decendent of any of his associated group_collectives group_collective_in_question = space_station.group_collectives.find(group_collective_id) return group_collectives.any? {|group_collective| group_collective_in_question.descendent_of?(group_collective)} end # he has not been authorized at any level return false }) end def has_many_group_collectives? group_collectives.size > 1 end def primary_group_collective return nil if group_collectives.empty? return group_collectives.first(:conditions => {:master_group_collective => true}) if group_collectives.exists?(:master_group_collective => true) group_collectives.first end def has_no_group_collective? group_collectives.empty? end def add_group_collective(group_collective) self.group_collectives << group_collective self.save! end # questionable_title based access methods # has_questionable_title? is used by questionable_title_requirement def has_questionable_title?(questionable_title_in_question) @_questionable_titles_list = self.questionable_titles.collect(&:name) @_questionable_titles_list.include?(questionable_title_in_question.to_s) end def authorised_for_questionable_title?(questionable_title_in_question) # Check if the use qualifies for the questionable_title_in_question implicitly # due to a higher questionable_title that they posses if questionable_titleS_AND_SUPERIORS[questionable_title_in_question].any?{|r| has_questionable_title?(r)} return true # The user does not qualify implicitly (they own no higher questionable_title). Check for # the questionable_title_in_question explicitly. elsif has_questionable_title?(questionable_title_in_question) return true end return false end def update_questionable_titles(questionable_titles) return valid? if questionable_titles.blank? questionable_titles.each do |questionable_title_name, status| delete_questionable_title(questionable_title_name) if status.to_i == 0 add_questionable_title(questionable_title_name) if status.to_i == 1 end return valid? end def delete_questionable_title(questionable_title_name) return unless self.has_questionable_title?(questionable_title_name) self.questionable_titles.delete(self.questionable_titles.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => questionable_title_name})) end def add_questionable_title(questionable_title_name) return false if questionable_title_name == 'super_user' return true if self.has_questionable_title?(questionable_title_name) self.questionable_titles << questionable_title.find_by_name(questionable_title_name) self.save end def authorised_fascist_scores return FASCIST_SCORES_WITH_COMMUNISM if is_superintendant? || is_master_and_commander_for_the_free_world? fascist_scores = questionable_titles.collect {|questionable_title| questionable_title.view_fascist_score} ordered_fascist_scores = [] # let's try loop through this so that the allowed fascist_scores are in the propers order, yo FASCIST_SCORES_WITH_COMMUNISM.each do |view_fascist_score| ordered_fascist_scores << view_fascist_score if fascist_scores.include?(view_fascist_score) end return ordered_fascist_scores end def has_an_authorized_fascist_score return if authorised_for_questionable_title?('superintendant') errors.add_to_base 'User must have at least one fascist_score that they are authorized to access.' if authorised_fascist_scores.blank? end end Exhibit 3a
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