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Your first Android app and Building app UI

Your first Android app and Building app UI

This presentation use form event #JuaraAndroid Online session #1 Talk about Your first Android app and Building app UI

Cendekia Luthfieta NZ

October 10, 2023

Other Decks in Programming


  1. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Cendekia

    Luthfieta Nazalia Software Engineer PLN Icon Plus || Content Creator Hello, Buddy!
  2. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Instagram

    : @luthfieta 150+ IT contents TikTok : @luthfieta 130+ IT contents Youtube : Cendekia Luthfieta NZ 100+ tutorial IT videos
  3. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Your

    first Android app and Building app UI Unit 1 (3 pathways) and Unit 2 (3 pathways)
  4. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Get

    to know about Kotlin Kotlin adalah bahasa pemrograman modern, disajikan secara statis yang berjalan pada platform Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Kotlin menggunakan compiler LLVM yang artinya, dapat dikompilasi ke dalam kode JavaScript. source : dicoding.com
  5. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Theory🙅🏻‍♀️

    Theory and Practice🙆🏻‍♀️ Prepare your tools
  6. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Reference

    : https:/ /medium.com/mobile-app-development-publication/how-android-access-view-item-the-past-to-the-future-bb003ae84527
  7. Jetpack Compose? This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0

    License Jetpack Compose is the modern toolkit for building native user interfaces for Android apps. Compose makes it easier and faster to build UIs on Android.
  8. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License •

    Less Code Do more with less code and avoid entire classes of bugs. Code is simpler and easier to maintain • Intuitive Just describe your UI, and Compose takes care of the rest. As app state changes, your UI automatically updates. • Accelerates Development Compatible with all your existing code so you can adopt when and where you want. Iterate fast with live previews and full Android Studio support. • Powerful Create beautiful apps with direct access to the Android platform APIs and built-in support for Material Design, Dark theme, animations, and more Benefits of using Jetpack Compose
  9. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License @Composable

    fun SearchResult(result: SearchResult, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { Row(modifier = modifier .padding(8.dp) .background(MaterialTheme.colors.surface) ) { Image(modifier = Modifier.size(72.dp)) Column(modifier = Modifier .padding(16.dp) .align(Alignment.CenterVertically) ) { Text(result.title) Text(result.subtitle) } } } List of Compose modifiers | Jetpack Compose | Android Developers
  10. @Composable fun CartItem() { var quantity: Int = 1 Row

    { Button(onClick = { quantity++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity-- }) { Text("-") } } } State not tracked by Compose
  11. @Composable fun CartItem() { var quantity: Int = 1 Row

    { Button(onClick = { quantity++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity-- }) { Text("-") } } } State not tracked by Compose This state is not tracked by Compose
  12. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License State

    changes need to be tracked by Compose
  13. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Three

    way to create state 1. val mutableState = remember { mutableStateOf(default) } 2. var value by remember { mutableStateOf(default) } 3. val (value, setValue) = remember { mutableStateOf(default) }
  14. @Composable fun CartItem() { val quantity = remember { mutableStateOf(1)

    } Row { Button(onClick = { quantity.value++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.value.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity.value-- }) { Text("-") } } } State tracked and remembered by Compose
  15. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License State

    created in composables needs to be remembered
  16. @Composable fun CartItem() { val quantity = remember { mutableStateOf(1)

    } Row { Button(onClick = { quantity.value++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.value.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity.value-- }) { Text("-") } } } State tracked and remembered by Compose
  17. @Composable fun CartItem() { val quantity = remember { mutableStateOf(1)

    } Row { Button(onClick = { quantity.value++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.value.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity.value-- }) { Text("-") } } } State tracked and remembered by Compose
  18. @Composable fun CartItem() { var quantity by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(1)

    } Row { Button(onClick = { quantity++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity-- }) { Text("-") } } } Property delegate
  19. @Composable fun CartItem() { val quantity = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(1)

    } Row { Button(onClick = { quantity.value++ }) { Text("+") } Text(quantity.value.toString()) Button(onClick = { quantity.value-- }) { Text("-") } } } BONUS — rememberSaveable State survives configuration changes
  20. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License 🧐Page

    not scrollable 🧐 Repetitive Code because the list was created manually 🧐 Less interactive display Is studying Units 1 and 2 enough?
  21. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Wait

    for #2 Online Session Unit 3: Display lists and use Material Design What's the solution?
  22. This work is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License Deck

    is available at https://speakerdeck.com/luthfieta : luthfieta : luthfieta : Cendekia Luthfieta NZ Don’t forget to git push your knowledge through your social media. Let’s Grow Together! Thank You