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Fire Cracker

Mi Mi
March 27, 2023

Fire Cracker

Ainsley a wanted man on the run, is to complete missions given by his employer with the promise that he'll be a free man is he follows their orders. Along with that, Ainsley was partnered with a stoic detective, Elijah.

Ainsley would soon find out that this mission is not as simple and bland as it may seem.

Mi Mi

March 27, 2023

More Decks by Mi Mi

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  1. Dialogue (Elijah): Haah…Haah…Haah.. Action / FX: *sounds of the rain*

    , *Sounds distant footsteps splashing on wet concrete*
  2. Dialogue (Ainsley): Now, now, Scarface let’s- Action / FX: *Sounds

    of the rain and wind*. [Ain’s Raised his tensed shoulders.]
  3. Dialogue (Bennet): You’re not exactly- Action / FX: *Sounds of

    the rain*. [Ben fix his gaze at the chip]
  4. Dialogue (Bennet): -as bright as they say, are you? Action

    / FX: *Sound of the rain*, *Clothes Rustling*. [Ben pockets the chip]
  5. Dialogue (Ainsley): Aww, jeez. Did calling you scarface- Action /

    FX: *Sound of rain and wind growing louder*. [Camera pans to the right]
  6. Dialogue (Ainsley): -struck a nerve? *chuckles mockingly* Action / FX:

    [Ainsley covers his mouth to cover his mocking smile]
  7. Dialogue (Elijah): C’mon, come onn… Where are you Ainsley..? Action

    / FX: [Eli pushes the hair covering his face frustratingly]
  8. Dialogue (Ainsley): Jesus, *coughs* did you really had to pull

    the trigger on me? Action / FX: [Ben walks calmly towards Ains], [Ains struggles to hold onto the railing]
  9. Dialogue (Ainsley) : That hurts like a bit– NGH! (Bennet)

    : Good– Action / FX: [Bennet digs his thumb inside Ain’s wound]
  10. Dialogue (Ainsley):Wait, waitwait, leT’S TALK ABOUT THIS AAA– (Bennet): –it’s

    exhilarating to see you in pain. Action / FX: [Bennet leans Ain’s over the fence] [Ains desperately clings to Bennet’s arm]
  11. Dialogue (Ainsley): now i’m dying… Action / FX: *Sound of

    his heartbeat*. [everything is in slow motion as Ains’ is falling to his death.]
  12. Dialogue (Ainsley): Always knew I would die young at some

    point– Action / FX: *Sound of rushing wind* [continues to be in slow motion]
  13. Dialogue (Ainsley): –but… I wanted to at least die a

    free man. Action / FX: [The raindrop falls on his face]
  14. Dialogue (?): I’ll cut to the chase. We want you

    to assist us. Action / FX: *Fan whirring*, *clicking sound* [?’s hands tightens]
  15. Dialogue (Ainsley): YOU HANDCUFFED ME FOR THIS– Action / FX:

    *Creak*. [Ainsley struggles and kicks the table]
  16. Dialogue (?): You solve a case for us, you lose

    one charge against you. No tricks, you have my word, all you have to do is help. Action / FX: [The man stares a matter of factly towards Ains.]
  17. Dialogue (?): No need to fear, you have a partner

    for this. So, what do you think? Action / FX: *Tap*, [The man taps the paper] [Ains stares at the paper offendedly]
  18. Dialogue (Ainsley): … You know what? *Deep breaths* FUCK IT,

    I’M IN! Action / FX: [Ain’s leans back on the chair enthusiastically]