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BASTA2021 Hybrid: Azure ist überwältigend. Wie finde ich mich da nur zurecht?

BASTA2021 Hybrid: Azure ist überwältigend. Wie finde ich mich da nur zurecht?

Eine Standardeinführung in die Azure Cloud Computing Plattform sieht etwa so aus: Slide 1: "Es gibt verschiedene Konzepte, wie IaaS, PaaS und SaaS und weitere". Slide 2: "Für diese Konzepte gibt es in der Azure Cloud sogenannte "Building Blocks" und mit denen kann man coole Sachen bauen". Slide 3: "Ende".

Voller Elan öffnet man das Azure Portal und will loslegen. Nur, in der Schulung hat keiner gesagt, dass es im Portal HUNDERTE von Services gibt. Die Übersicht fehlt komplett. In dieser Session holen wir uns einen Überblick über alle Informationen und Einstiegspunkte, die Azure bietet und finden heraus, welches Problem wo gelöst wird. Weiter wagen wir einen Ausblick, welcher über die Standardkurse rausgeht und aufzeigt, was es sonst noch gibt, um mit der Azure Karriere durchzustarten.

Manuel Meyer arbeitet als Principal Consultant und Trainer für .NET bei der Trivadis AG. Er befasst sich mit .NET-Enterprise-Anwendungen, der Cliententwicklung mit C#/XAML/TypeScript/Angular und Microsoft Azure. Da er immer öfter auch wissen will, was unter der Haube läuft, befasst er sich gerne auch mit .NET-Troubleshooting und Performancemanagement. Im Web ist er unter www.manuelmeyer.net zu finden. Er ist MVP für Visual Studio, tritt regelmäßig auf Konferenzen und User Groups als Teilnehmer und Speaker auf und organisiert die Azure Zurich User Group (https://www.azurezurichusergroup.com) und den .NET Day Switzerland (https://www.dotnetday.ch).

Manuel Meyer

February 17, 2021

More Decks by Manuel Meyer

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  1. Azure ist überwältigend. Manuel Meyer Azure Solution Architect, Trivadis AG

    www.manuelmeyer.net @manumeyer1 Wie finde ich mich da bloss zurecht?
  2. Agenda • Starting out with Azure • How to get

    to know a new Azure service FAST? • The Universal Azure Flowchart • The Azure Ring of Knowledge (AROK).
  3. Title only Photo credit: chemicalmonkey on Visual hunt / CC

    BY-NC-ND Photo credit: Rafael Chacon Photography on Visual Hunt / CC BY
  4. I am like… • WTF is that? • HTF does

    it work? • HMTF does it cost? • HTF must I build this? • How much of it do I need? • WTF on earth uses this product?.
  5. How to get to know a new Azure Service? Product

    Page: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/application-gateway/ MS Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/ FAQ: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/application-gateway-faq Azure Updates: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/?product=application-gateway Azure Feedback: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking?category_id=134448 Pricing: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/application-gateway/ Limits: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure- subscription-service-limits#application-gateway-limits SLA: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/legal/sla/application-gateway/v1_2/ Samples: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/samples/ Videos: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/videos/index/
  6. Azure Updates & Azure Feedback? Azure Updates = How did

    the product evolve? Azure Feedback = What is missing in the product?
  7. Limits & SLAs Limits = Where are the limits? SLA

    = How much availability do I get?
  8. How to get to know a new Azure Service? Product

    Page: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/application-gateway/ MS Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/ FAQ: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/application-gateway-faq Azure Updates: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/?product=application-gateway Azure Feedback: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/217313-networking?category_id=134448 Pricing: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/application-gateway/ Limits: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/azure- subscription-service-limits#application-gateway-limits SLA: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/legal/sla/application-gateway/v1_2/ Samples: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/samples/ Videos: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/videos/index/
  9. The Universal Engineering Flowchart No Problem! No Problem! No Problem!

    Does it move? YES NO Should it move? NO YES Should it move? YES NO Problem solved? YES NO NO
  10. Help! I’m lost! Az Portal ARM Portal Az Preview Portal

    Az Mobile App Az Docs Architecture Center Cloud Adoption Framework Az Pricing Calc. Az TCO Calc. Azurespeed.com Az Status Az Health Az Advisor Security Center Azure Speed Test DTU Calc. WhatTheIO Disk Calc. Az. Service Catalog Az. Service Map Az. Heat Map Az. Solutions Center Az. Updates Az. Feedback Azureprice.net Case Studies What is on the menu? I don’t know what I should get I want something I have something How fast is it? How much do I need? Could I improve it? Where is it? How does it work? How much is it? Is It ok? <intentionally left blank>
  11. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  12. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  13. AZ-Trainings • AZ-900: Azure Developer = Understanding Azure • AZ-104:

    Azure Administrator = Working with Azure (IaaS) • AZ-204: Azure Developer = Building for Azure (PaaS) • AZ-303/4: Azure Architect = Drawing Azure Icons AI-000: Artificial Intelligence DP-000: Data Platform DA-000: Data Analytics.
  14. Azure Certifications • Thomas Maurer Study Guides – https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2020/03/az-900-study-guide-microsoft-azure- fundamentals-2020/

    – https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2020/03/az-104-study-guide-azure-administrator/ – https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2020/03/az-204-study-guide-developing-solutions- for-microsoft-azure/ – https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2020/03/az-303-study-guide-azure-architect- technologies/ – https://www.thomasmaurer.ch/2020/05/az-500-study-guide-microsoft-azure- security-technologies-2020/
  15. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  16. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  17. Compute Network Storage Configuring virtual machines for availability, scale and

    performance Planning for performance, durability, scalability and archival Designing the network for current and future connectivity requirements Planning for production operations for monitoring and disaster recovery Manage Control access to resources, what can be used, setup cost management and chargeback Governance Build a solid foundation using best practices and prescriptive guidance prior to starting migration efforts Azure Best Practice Guidance Azure Best Practice Guidance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en- us/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/azure-best-practices/
  18. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  19. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  20. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  21. The AROK AZ-Trainings & Certifications Universal Azure Flow Chart Azure

    Tips Websites & Tools Azure Community User Groups Conferences Guidance Cloud Adoption Framework
  22. Azure Community • Azure Zurich User Group – https://azurezurichusergroup.com/ •

    Azure IaC-Series – Azure IaC with Github Tools (Video): • https://speakerdeck.com/azurezurich/october-2020-azure-iac-with-github-tools-by-manuel-sidler – ARM Templates & Bicep for the Win (Video): • https://speakerdeck.com/azurezurich/december-2020-arm-template-for-the-win-and-bicep-by-marcel-zehner-video-in-description – Terraform Strikes Back (no Video): • https://speakerdeck.com/azurezurich/january-2021-azure-iac-with-terraform-by-jonas-wanninger – Azure IaC with Azure Devops (Video): • https://speakerdeck.com/azurezurich/february-2021-azure-iac-with-azure-devops-by-marc-muller – Repeatable Deployments with Farmer (Video): • https://speakerdeck.com/azurezurich/february-2021-repeatable-deployments-with-farmer-by-isaac-abraham • 23.02.2021 Service Endpoints vs. Private Links – https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Microsoft-Azure-Zurich-User-Group/events/275024495/
  23. Azure Community Worldwide • Azure Meetups Worldwide – https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/topics/azure/all/ •

    Cloud Computing Meetups Worldwide – https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/topics/cloud-computing/all/ • Microsoft Technology Groups Worldwide – https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/topics/microsoft-technology/all/.
  24. Recap • Starting out with Azure • How to get

    to know a new Azure service FAST? • The Universal Azure Flowchart • The Azure Ring of Knowledge (AROK).