through the analysis of social datas. Università degli Studi di Torino Department of Computer Science Graduate: Marco Sero Supervisor: Prof. Giancarlo Ruffo
datas is georeferenced with accurate GPS coordinate, the geotag • Moreover, very often photos and tweets have one or more key-words, the #hashtag + HASHTAG
mark P as visited NeighborPts = regionQuery(P, eps) if sizeof(NeighborPts) < MinPts then do nothing else mark P as clusterized prepare the key create new cluster C C.neighborPoints = NeighborPts C.points = P emit(key, C) Creation of the new cluster Search neighborhood
cluster for all C in clusters do finalC.points = finalC.points ∪ C.points for all P in C.neighborPoints do if P′ is not visited then mark P′ as visited NeighborPts′ = regionQuery(P′,eps) if sizeof(NeighborPts′) ≥ MinPts then NeighborPts = NeighborPts ∪ NeighborPts′ end if end if if P′ is not yet member of any cluster then add P′ to cluster finalC end if Clusters in input Neighborhood analysis for each cluster Cluster expansion Merge of points