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Recap of PyCon US 2023 in Salt Lake City celebrating 20 years of PyCon US

- Savage Garden
- Thanks and gratitude
- Conference stats and PyLadies proceeds
- Challenge between now and next year
- Next year info
- Regional PyCons
- Let the credits roll!


April 23, 2023

More Decks by Mariatta

Other Decks in Programming


  1. #PyConUS April 19 Tutorials Language Summit April 20 Sponsor Workshops

    Tutorials Typing Summit Education Summit Web Assembly Summit Newcomer Orientation Opening Reception April 21 Keynote: Ned Batchelder Talks Charlas Maintainer Summit Packaging Summit Lightning Talks Startup Row Open Spaces PyCon Active April 22 Keynote: James Powell Talks &Charlas Python Steering Council D&I Panel Mentored Sprint Lighting Talks PyLadies Auction Startup Row Open Spaces PyCon Active April 23 Keynotes: Margaret Mitchell & Carol Willing Talks PyLadies Luncheon Job Fair Posters Lightning talks Open Spaces CSA & PSF Update Guido van Rossum April 24-27 Sprints PyCon US @mariatta@fosstodon.org
  2. #PyConUS Sprints @mariatta@fosstodon.org April 24-27 8 AM - 11 PM

    Rooms 250 - 251 Lunch included Sprintros 5 PM today with Chalmer Lowe https://us.pycon.org/2023/events/sprints/
  3. #PyConUS PyLadies Auction 2016: 16,000 2017: 21,275 2018: 30,000 2019:

    45,000 2020: None 2021: 11,253 2022: 44,470 @mariatta@fosstodon.org 2023: 35,746
  4. #PyConUS @mariatta@fosstodon.org Every year Brazilian Pythonistas create chat groups before

    PyCon to get to know new Pythonistas that are going to the conf and help each other with questions. This is by far the year with more Brazilian women attending the conference. And this is all thanks to you! Without your support, those groups would be filled with the same profile we know year after year. Thank you for bringing diversity to our community! - Renato Oliveira
  5. #PyConUS Give yourself 1 point for each thing you have

    done during PyCon US you see features from Python 3.11+ in presentation slide submit a PR to an open source Python project take a selfie at the PSF booth say thanks to an open source maintainer give a lightning talk wear a swag from sponsor contemplate the Zen of Python in the quiet room volunteer at the conference host / attend an open space you see f-string with uppercased F in presentation slide introduced yourself to a first time attendee tell someone that you follow them on social media high five a conference staff/volunteer submit a PR to fix a typo your social media post contains typo and #PyConUS hashtag become a new PSF member learned something new from a lightning talk write a thank you note to someone at the conference you see a typo in presentation slide do an #IceCreamSelfie propose a new PEP have a PR merged got someone else to volunteer at PyCon US agree to speak at a local meetup become a new voting member of PSF Bonus: 5 points each #PyConUSChallenge @mariatta@fosstodon.org
  6. #PyConUS #PyConUSChallenge @mariatta@fosstodon.org ⭐ invite someone else to the next

    PyCon US ⭐ ⭐ encourage someone into submitting a talk to PyCon US ⭐ ⭐ nominate someone for PSF Community Service Award ⭐ ⭐ nominate someone to become PSF Fellow member ⭐ ⭐ attend a regional Python conference ⭐ Bonus: 20 points each
  7. #PyConUS @mariatta@fosstodon.org May 28: PyCon Italia, Florence, Italy May 29:

    DjangoCon Europe, Edinburgh, UK July 17: Europython, Prague, Czech Republic July 22: Afro Python, Salvador, Brazil July 29: North Bay Python, Petaluma, USA August 14: EuroSciPy, Basel, Switzerland August 24: PyCon Latam, Monterrey, Mexico September 21: PyCon Uganda, Kampala, Uganda September 22: PyCon UK, Cardiff, UK October 3: Python Brazil, Caxias do Sul, Brazil October 6: PyGotham, Online October 6: PyConES, Tenerife, Canary Islands Regional PyCons
  8. #PyConUS @mariatta@fosstodon.org Aug 11: PyCon KR, Seoul, Korea Aug 18:

    PyCon AU, Adelaide, Australia Aug 17 (tentative): PyCon SG, Singapore Aug 26: PyCon MY, Malaysia Sep 2: PyCon TW, Taipei, Taiwan Sep 15: Kiwi PyCon, Invercargill, New Zealand Sep 29: PyCon India Hyderabad, India Oct 27: PyCon APAC by PyCon JP, Tokyo, Japan Nov 11 (tentative): PyCon HK, Hong Kong Regional PyCon APAC