CocoaPods State of the Union 2015 talk - giving a heads up on current restrictions and some hints what will happen about that in the near future, as well as general pointers on what can be done, if you're in trouble.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 #Podfile use_frameworks! platform :ios, '8.0' target :MyApp, :exclusive => true do pod 'Alamofire' end target :MyFramework, :exclusive => true do pod 'Alamofire' end target :MyAppTests, :exclusive => true do pod 'Alamofire' pod 'KIF' end target :MyFrameworkTests, :exclusive => true do pod 'Quick' end
No dedicated Bridging Header by default Same as the Umbrella Header CocoaPods generates an own Umbrella Header for convenience, where all declared public headers are imported
PUBLIC Create a header Import all the Objective-C headers, you need, e.g. #import <ObjectivePod/A.h> Add the header to the public_header_files DISADVANTAGE Exposes the dependency in the public API.