Channels Cost Structure Revenue Model & Price Original by © Business Model Foundry AG by Alex Osterwalder, this version by Perspective Business Design Who are you serving? How will you make money? How and what will you charge your customers? How much does it cost to create and deliver your offer? What key relationships and systems will help you create and deliver your offer? How will you get your offer to customers? What skills/capabilities/ resources will you need? What product or services will you make and deliver? Value Proposition What customer need(s) are you fulfilling? What is the unique promise your offer provides? BUSINESS BLUEPRINT Partners Offer Customers Team & Resources Channels Cost Structure Revenue Model & Price Original by © Business Model Foundry AG by Alex Osterwalder, this version by Perspective Business Design Who are you serving? How will you make money? How and what will you charge your customers? How much does it cost to create and deliver your offer? What key relationships and systems will help you create and deliver your offer? How will you get your offer to customers? What skills/capabilities/ resources will you need? What product or services will you make and deliver? Value Proposition What customer need(s) are you fulfilling? What is the unique promise your offer provides? who how how what value