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NS Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ
September 17, 2024

NS Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ

September 17, 2024


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  4. 4 Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets

    availability Marthe Veldhuis Data Scientist / Machine Learning Engineer Nederlandse Spoorwegen
  5. 1. Planning your route 2. Paddling to the destination 3.

    Staying in tandem Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 5
  6. Talk to people ▪ End-users Gear up for success: Practical

    insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 8
  7. Talk to people ▪ End-users ▪ Indirect users Gear up

    for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 9
  8. Talk to people ▪ End-users ▪ Indirect users ▪ Colleagues

    Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 10
  9. Talk to people ▪ End-users ▪ Indirect users ▪ Colleagues

    ▪ User eXperience Designers Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 11
  10. Involve UXD from the start 12 Gear up for success:

    Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability
  11. Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability

    15 “Last week” model: 𝑅2 = 0,50 MAE = 28 Use the right metrics
  12. Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability

    16 Use the right metrics XGBoost model: 𝑅2 = 0,54 MAE = 28
  13. Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability

    18 Use the right metrics “Last week” model: low range recall = 63%
  14. Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability

    19 Use the right metrics XGBoost model: low range recall = 28%
  15. Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability

    21 Translate your metrics to intuitive measures Forecasted situation Actual situation Warned Disappointed
  16. 1. Planning your route • Determine succes • Talk to

    people • Involve UXD 2. Paddling to the destination • Start simple • Use the right metrics 3. Staying in tandem • Translate your metrics Gear up for success: Practical insights from forecasting OV-fiets availability 23