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DeveloperUG 2013: Developing for iOS - When to ...

DeveloperUG 2013: Developing for iOS - When to do what and how

In this session we will look at the tools, framework and languages available to build applications for the iOS. The session will explore various development approaches for creating iOS apps including native, hybrid and web. Tools that we be covered include Xcode (ObjC), MonoTouch (C#) and other web-based and hybrid frameworks.

This session will also discuss development strategies to apply when targeting many devices.

Martin Cronjé

September 10, 2013

More Decks by Martin Cronjé

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Platform Mobile OS 2013[a] Mobile OS 2017[a] App downloads 2013[b]

    Web usage 2013[c] 3.9% 10.2% 3.7% 1.5% 16.9% 17.9% 47.8% 54.91% 75.3% 68.3% 48.6% 25.7% 3.9% 3.6% - 17,89% Target platform (Global market share)? a) IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, June 6, 2012 b) XYO Global App Download Reports 1.0 c) NetMarketShare Mobile Operating System Aug 2013 …
  2. “The biggest mistake we’ve made as a company is betting

    on HTML5 over native.” Mark Zuckerberg
  3. Approach characteristics User Experience Device Access Works offline Cost of

    ownership Reach Native Highest Yes Yes Highest Specific Cross Platform High Yes * Yes * High ** Common * Hybrid Low Yes * Partially * Medium ** Common * Web (Rich) Low Limited No Low 30% Web (Light) Lowest None No Lowest 80% * Depends on framework and approach chosen. ** Depending on support offered by relevant platform
  4. My setup MacBook Pro 15” (Retina Display, 8GB RAM, i7,

    SSD) OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.4 Windows 8 Xcode / AppCode Xamarin Studio Visual Studio 2012 Xamarin Studio VMWare Fusion
  5. My software on OSX IDE Xcode, AppCode and Xamarin Studio

    Editors vi and Sublime Shell iTerm, zsh and oh-my-zsh Misc Homebrew, Alfred, AirMail, Fanstical and 1Password
  6. Literals NSNumber *number;! ! number = [NSNumber numberWithChar:'X'];! number =

    [NSNumber numberWithInt:12345];! number = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:12345ul];! number = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:12345ll];! number = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:123.45f];! number = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:123.45];! number = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];! number = @'X’;! number = @12345;! number = @12345ul;! number = @12345ll;! number = @123.45f;! number = @123.45;! number = @YES;!
  7. Literals dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:@[o1, o2, o3]! forKeys:@[k1, k2, k3]];!

    ! dict = @{ k1 : o1, k2 : o2, k3 : o3 };! ! ! ! ! array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:a, b, c, nil];! ! array = @[ a, b, c ];! !
  8. MVC

  9. Animated - (void)reset:(BOOL)animated {! if(animated) {! [UIView animateWithDuration:0.3f! delay:0.0f! options:(UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn)!

    animations:! ^{! self.front.alpha = 1.0;! self.front.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);! } completion:nil];! } else {! self.front.alpha = 1.0;! }! }!
  10. Asynchronous Processing [NROperationQueue runInBackground:^() {! // Some long-running operation! [NROperationQueue

    runOnMain:^() { ! // Update the UI ! }];! }];! ! ! ! @implementation NROperationQueue! + (void)runOnMain:(void (^)(void))block {! [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:block];! }! + (NSOperationQueue *)backgroundQueue {! return [self instance].backgroundQueue; // NSOperationQueue ! }! @end!
  11. Factory Methods #import "ECMIncident.h"! #import "NSDictionary+Conversions.h"! ! @implementation ECMIncident! !

    - (id)initFromJSON:(NSDictionary *)jsonObject {! if(self = [super init]) {! self.activity = [jsonObject stringForKey:@"activity"];! self.age = [jsonObject numberForKey:@"age"];! }! return self;! }! ! + (ECMIncident *)incidentFromJSON:(NSDictionary *)dictionary {! return [[ECMIncident alloc] initFromJSON: dictionary];! }! ! @end!
  12. Test-driven development -  (void)testShouldParseJsonIntoModel {! NSData *content = [self loadFile:@"incident.simple"];!

    ! NSError *error = nil;! NSDictionary *jsonObject = [NSJSONSerialization ! JSONObjectWithData : content! options : nil ! error : &error];! ! ECMIncident *incident = [ECMIncident incidentFromJSON: jsonObject];! ! STAssertNotNil(incident, @"Expected populated object");! STAssertTrue([incident.summary isEqualToString:@"Foo Bar"]);! }!
  13. Cocoapods $ gem install cocoapods! $ cat Podfile! platform :ios,

    :deployment_target => '6.0'! pod 'AFNetworking'! pod 'Objection'! pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK'! pod 'OCHamcrest'! ! $ pod setup!
  14. Frank Feature: General (Main)! Scenario: My details! ! Given I

    logged in with "my-user-1" ! And I wait for "Logging in…" to go away! When I touch the "My Details" table cell! Then I wait to see a navigation bar titled "My Details"! And I should see a table containing the following:! | Column 1 |! | Username | ! | Email |! | First Name |! ...! When I type "Martin" into the Username text field! And I ...!
  15. Frank Then /^I wait to see a navigation bar titled

    "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark|! quote = get_selector_quote(expected_mark)! message = "waited to see a navigation bar titled #{quote}#{expected_mark}#{quote}"! wait_until( :timeout => 30, :message => message) {! element_exists( "navigationItemView marked:#{quote}#{expected_mark}#{quote}" )! }! end! ! When /^I touch the "([^\"]*)" table cell$/ do |name|! touch("tableView view marked:'#{name}'")! end! ! When /^I type "([^"]*)" into the ([^"]*) text field$/ do |value, field|! selector = "label marked:'#{field}' parent tableViewCell textField"! text_fields_modified = frankly_map(selector, "setText:", value )! raise "could not find text fields to update" if text_fields_modified.empty?! end!
  16. Frank Then /^I should see a table containing the following:$/

    do |table|! ! table.rows.each do |row|! selector = String.new! ! row.each do |cell|! if selector.empty?! selector = "tableView view marked:'#{cell}'"! else! selector << " parent tableViewCell view marked:'#{cell}'"! end! end! check_element_exists( selector )! end! end!
  17. Development platform Platform IDE SDK Language OS Visual Studio Windows

    Phone C#, etc. Windows Xcode Cocoa Touch Objective-C OSX Eclipse Android Java All
  18. Development platform Platform IDE SDK Language OS Visual Studio Windows

    Phone C#, etc. Windows Visual Studio Xamarin Studio Cocoa Touch C# (Compiled to ObjC) Windows* / OSX Visual Studio Xamarin Studio Android C# Windows / OSX * OSX build server required
  19. Sharing Code Application Layer User Interface Android SDK Android SDK

    Cocoa Touch Cocoa Touch Win Phone SDK Win Phone SDK Shared - Model - Data Access - Business Logic - Service Access
  20. Android SDK Cocoa Touch Win Phone SDK Xamarin.Mobile App Layer

    Sharing Code UI Android SDK Cocoa Touch Win Phone SDK Shared Business Logic Adapter pattern View Controller