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Kenichiro MATOHARA

February 16, 2025

More Decks by Kenichiro MATOHARA

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  1. Glance YAMLでカスタマイズ可能な様々なウィジェットを配置可能 RSS, Reddit, Hacker News, Lobsters, 天気予報,YouTube, Twitch Live,

    Market prices, Docker status, Server status…… 軽量,Go製シングルバイナリ カスタマイズ可能なレイアウト,必要なだけのページ,タブ,カスタムcss モバイルデバイスにも対応 JavaScript必須,NetSurfのJSでは不可 😔 glanceapp/glance: A self-hosted dashboard that puts all your feeds in one place 6
  2. 導入 Docker Binary Linux, Windows and macOS (x86, x86_64, ARM

    and ARM64 architectures). build  go >= v1.23 $ go install github.com/glanceapp/glance@latest https://github.com/glanceapp/glance#installation 10
  3. help $ ./glance -h Usage: -check-config Check whether the config

    is valid -config string Set config path (default "glance.yml") 11
  4. テーマ 形式で細かく記述可能 プリセットがある カスタムCSSファイルも利用可能 HSL theme: background-color: 100 20 10

    primary-color: 40 90 40 contrast-multiplier: 1.1 https://github.com/glanceapp/glance/blob/main/docs/themes.md 20
  5. RSS 複数のRSSフィードを登録して記事リストを表示 Nitterを使うとold TwitterをRSS購読できるので便利 OPMLからの変換scriptとか作ると便利かも - type: rss limit: 20

    collapse-after: 10 cache: 1h style: vertical-list feeds: - url: https://ciechanow.ski/atom.xml - url: https://www.joshwcomeau.com/rss.xml title: Josh Comeau - url: https://samwho.dev/rss.xml - url: https://awesomekling.github.io/feed.xml - url: https://ishadeed.com/feed.xml title: Ahmad Shadeed - url: title: x.com 22
  6. YouTube チャンネル チャネルIDを書く必要がある(RSSと同じ) - type: videos channels: - UCEPkrGMghsXnoG1LffgjMJg #

    OSPNjp - UC7F_CXjcRxJcR0bkT8NDvTA # JUS - UClSHUuEMnuYf1Yjmub0VrFA # KOF - UC7SbfAPZf8SMvAxp8t51qtQ # Debconf - UC9NuJImUbaSNKiwF2bdSfAw # FOSDEM - UCR-DXc1voovS8nhAvccRZhg # Jeff Geerling - UCv6J_jJa8GJqFwQNgNrMuww # ServeTheHome - UCOk-gHyjcWZNj3Br4oxwh0A # Techno Tim 25
  7. Hacker News/Lobsters - type: hacker-news limit: 100 collapse-after: 5 sort-by:

    new - type: lobsters sort-by: hot limit: 15 collapse-after: 5 26
  8. Reddit - type: reddit subreddit: selfhosted show-thumbnails: true - type:

    reddit subreddit: commandline show-thumbnails: true - type: reddit subreddit: terminal_porn show-thumbnails: true 27
  9. モニター サイトに到達できたかを表示 - type: monitor cache: 10m title: Services sites:

    - title: www.kagolug.org url: https://www.kagolug.org/ - title: kagolug-galene url: https://www.kagolug.org:8443/ - title: kagolug-etherpad url: https://www.kagolug.org:9001/ - title: matoken.org/blog url: https://matoken.org/blog/ - title: スラド url: https://srad.jp/ 30
  10. リリース Github, GitLab, Codeberg, Docker Hubの各種リポジトリの 最新リリースを表示(デバッグで何度も再読み込みしてるとrate limitになりがち) - type:

    releases show-source-icon: true repositories: - glanceapp/glance - tmux/tmux - schachmat/wego - jaspervdj/patat - VSCodium/vscodium - laurent22/joplin - MisterTea/EternalTerminal - diamondburned/dissent - jitsi/jitsi-meet-electron - jitsi/jitsi-meet 31
  11. リポジトリ リポジトリの情報とPR, issuesを表示 - type: repository repository: jech/galene pull-requests-limit: 3

    issues-limit: 3 commits-limit: 3 - type: repository repository: isaki68k/sayaka pull-requests-limit: 3 issues-limit: 3 commits-limit: 3 32
  12. DNS 統計 AdGuard HomeやPi Holeなどのセルフホスト広告ブロッカーの統計 - type: dns-stats service: adguard

    url: https://adguard.domain.com/ username: admin password: ${ADGUARD_PASSWORD} 34
  13. ブックマーク - type: bookmarks groups: - links: - title: Gmail0

    url: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ - title: Proton Mail url: https://mail.proton.me/ - title: Social links: - title: inacon url: https://inari.opencocon.org/deck/ - title: misskey.io url: https://misskey.io/ - title: bsky url: https://bsky.app/ 35
  14. グループ 複数のウィジットを1つにグループ化する - type: group widgets: - type: reddit subreddit:

    gamingnews show-thumbnails: true collapse-after: 6 - type: reddit subreddit: games - type: reddit subreddit: pcgaming show-thumbnails: true 36
  15. 時計 timezoneはこちらで確認 - type: clock hour-format: 24h timezones: - timezone:

    Asia/Tokyo label: Tokyo - timezone: GMT label: GMT https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones 38
  16. マーケット - type: markets markets: - symbol: SPY name: S&P

    500 - symbol: BTC-USD name: Bitcoin chart-link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=INDEX:BTCUSD - symbol: NVDA name: NVIDIA - symbol: AAPL symbol-link: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=nws&q=apple name: Apple 40
  17. 43