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Sinatra: My Way

Sinatra: My Way

How I'm using Sinatra: structure and useful scripts

Matthew Conway

July 19, 2012

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  1. # Gemfile source :rubygems gem ‘sinatra’ gem ‘foreman’ gem ‘unicorn’

    group :development do gem ‘shotgun’ gem ‘thin’ end
  2. # app.rb module Haiku class App < Sinatra::Base get ‘/’

    do @haiku = Redis.srandmember(‘haiku’) haml :home end ... end end
  3. is bundler installed? do i have the required ruby? o

    noes imagemagick! forgot to migrate... nice of you to mention those environment variables I apparently need to set yum install all --the --things brew uninstall patience mysqladmin -u wizard create blawg_development