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Every Chain Has Its Thorn

Every Chain Has Its Thorn

It’s probably worthwhile to have small talks on how blockchain limitations came to exist and the existence of our mental model on this decentralization narratives over a parable of a rose and its thorn.
Presented for Blockchain Conference/23 Feb, 2018
Jakarta, Indonesia/Venue: The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan/Organized by Knowledge Hut//

Imanzah Nurhidayat

February 23, 2018

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  1. E V E RY C H A I N H

    A S I T S T H O R N – I M A N Z A H N U R H I D AYAT, C I O C O R E C H A I N
  2. LinkedIn: Imanzah Nurhidayat IG: @meetiboy FEUI , Marketing Management Binus

    Business School, Master of Management in e-Business • Cofounder and CIO, Corechain • x/ Senior Innovation Consultant at Zurich Innovation Center • x/ COO Mastel Academy • x/ Copartner MakeDoNia Makerspace & Innovation Hub • TaGA/Fashion Revolution/Serana42 Imanzah Nurhidayat Cofounder and CIO Corechain boy@corechain.id
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  4. Junge Europäische Föderalisten Europa (JEF) / flickr - CC BY-NC

    2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/
  5. – V O I C E , E X I

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  6. – J O H N N Y A P P

    L E S E E D Is Ethereum safe? I don’t think so. I absolutely cannot guarantee that the network won’t be 51% attacked (though I would like to believe that a hard fork would minimize damage from such an attack). I cannot usually guarantee that a smart contract will behave as expected (I don’t need to mention that I sometimes like hard forks here, too, do I?). But lots of really smart people in the community are working hard towards making Ethereum safe, with smart contract formal verification efforts and with proof-of- stake consensus protocol research. I think that we will continue to make steady and impressive progress on these safety problems."
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  9. – J O H N N Y A P P

    L E S E E D “Type a quote here.” https://masterthecrypto.com/guide-to-forks-hard-fork-soft-fork/ https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/soft-fork.asp
  10. – J O H N N Y A P P

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