Go-powered Open Source Project Flogo for Lightweight IoT and Edge Integration:
The Internet of Things (IoT) brings up 50 billion devices until 2020, which have to be connected somehow. Challenges include low bandwidth, high latency, non-reliable connectivity and the need for low network costs. Therefore, a gateway at the edge is needed remotely on site of the devices to filter, aggregate and send just relevant data into the cloud or data center.
This session introduces open source project Flogo, which allows developing ultra-lightweight IoT edge applications with a zero-coding web user interface. Coders can also rely just on Go code if they want. It is written in Go programming language and therefore 20-50x more lightweight than similar Java or JavaScript frameworks.
The session focuses on live demos and shows how to develop ultra-lightweight microservices and how to integrate IoT devices using standards such as MQTT, WebSockets, CoaP or REST. The last part of the session compares Project Flogo to other open source IoT projects like Eclipse Kura or Node-RED and cloud offerings such as AWS IoT.
Check out www.flogo.io and https://community.tibco.com/products/project-flogo for more information and community.
Internet of Things, IoT, Microservices, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Open Source, Go, Golang, Flogo, Project Flogo, Node-RED, node red, IBM, Bluemix, TIBCO, TIBCO Software, Eclipse, Kura, Apache Camel, Serverless, Cloud, AWS, Azure, Google, GCP, Core, Edge, API Management, Integration, Cloud native, Java, JavaScript, OSGi, node.js, node js, Consumer IoT, Industrial IoT, IIoT, IoT Gateway, Gateway, Github, Apache, BSD, License, Microcontroller, Design Bot, Chat Bot