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The Journey Behind Make Things Do Stuff

The Journey Behind Make Things Do Stuff

Speaking at DML 2014 about "Next Generation Pathways and Cross Sector Network - Studies in Complex Collaboration."

Melissa Romaine

March 07, 2014

More Decks by Melissa Romaine

Other Decks in Education


  1. The Journey Behind “Make Things Do Stuff” Promoting Digital Learning

    Among Young People in the United Kingdom Melissa Romaine | Mozilla Foundation #DML2014, March 7, 2014
  2. The Scene •  January 2011: Nesta published “Next Gen.” o 

    Authors: Ian Livingstone, Alex Hope •  Scene o  UK video games sector had £2bil+ in sales o  2006-2008: Visual effects industry grew at 16.8%. o  Post-2008: Sourcing overseas talent. §  Key Findings: o  Education system doesn’t provide skills. o  Recommendations include: •  Computer science on national curriculum. •  GCSE in computer science in all schools. <http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/next-gen>
  3. UK Computer Science Curricula •  Comes into effect September 2014,

    replacing old ICT curricula. •  Key Stages 1 through 4 (aged 5-7); (aged 14 – 16) •  All students will be taught to: •  develop creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology. •  develop and apply analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills. •  understand how changes in technology affect safety, privacy, and identity online.
  4. Learning through Making • Published in 2012 • Researched: • Learning from Experts

    • Learning with Others • Learning through Making • Learning through Exploring • Learning through Inquiry • Learning through Practising • Learning from Assessment • Learning in and across Settings <http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/decoding-learning>