Speaker: Shota Nagayama
In this session, Nagayama will discuss telecommunications in the age of quantum information. The quantum internet operates on a different principle—quantum mechanics—from the internet we have today, on the foundation of entanglement created between two random nodes. Naturally, the quantum internet comes with different advantages. For example, it is the foundation for realizing completely secure cryptography. Furthermore, quantum computers utilize entanglement and superposition to simultaneously handle a mass of states. Due to this feature, quantum memory size is crucial. By connecting quantum computers via telecommunications to conduct distributed quantum computing, we can obtain a higher computing ability. Entanglement is the fundamental physical attribute of quantum mechanics, and therefore is also useful for a variety of scientific experiments. Nagayama will also touch on the current progress of research and development of the quantum internet. We hope this session will give you a chance to think a bit about the future of telecommunications.