folder, add as a group 2. add the javascript interface «www/FacebookConnect.js» to your index.html 3. add new entry with key to «Plugins» in «Cordova.plist» 4. extra : add «-lsqlite3.0» to «other linker flags» in the «build settings» tab 5. extra : add «Social.framework, Accounts.framework and AdSupport.framework» to «link binary with libraries» in the «build phases» tab 6. extra : update the app configuration .plist following the facebook guide : https:// basic steps
ProgressHUD - Native visual progressHUD • PushNotification - Apple push notifications support • AuthorizationStatus - iOS6 contacts authorization • Google Analytics - Google analytics for Cordova CORDOVA PLUGINS OTHER PLUGINS
styles) •Great ListView implementation & cross-device support •Powerful class system (inheritance, mixins, overrides, etc.) •Good community, available support (premium) bad •Several regressions at each release (either DP/RC/Stable). •Performance is not as good as Sencha Touch 1. •Quite bloated (dom structure).