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Ground contours & grass

Ground contours & grass

This presentation was given as part of the Design, Build, & Maintain: a different way? seminar at Laem Chabang on 8 March 2015.

I explained two things. First, once a sandcap is in place, a tremendous amount of work must be done to keep that surface firm. Second, growing grasses that don't die or thin out when allowed to grow slow, or when irrigation is reduced, will produce the firmest surfaces.

Micah Woods

March 07, 2015

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  1. Ground Contours & Grass Micah Woods Chief Scientist | Asian

    Turfgrass Center Handout: bit.ly/grass_contour www.asianturfgrass.com Design, Build, & Maintain: a different way? Laem Chabang, Thailand 8 March 2015
  2. 1. Soil Yes, such surface conditions are possible, but sandcapping

    is not the way to achieve them. all referenced articles are at bit.ly/grass_contour
  3. What happens when we grow turf in sand? 1. Sand

    has low water holding capacity – we have to add more water. 2. Sand has low nutrient holding capacity – we have to add more fertilizer. 3. When more water and fertilizer are added, the grass grows more.
  4. Once a sandcap is in place, the organic matter must

    be managed. organic layer over sandcap Singapore
  5. If the organic matter is not managed, greens fail. Once

    a fairway is sandcapped, that same work of organic matter removal and dilution with sand must be done on the entire sandcapped area. sandcapped seashore paspalum fairway, Hong Kong
  6. “The long-term health of putting greens depends on maintaining sand

    as the primary medium. If organic matter accumulates beyond a reasonable degree, the physical benefits of sand are diminished and putting green physical properties decline along with the health of the turf.”
  7. “The end result is a well- drained, stable, sand- based

    field at a fraction of the cost required for other renovation processes.”
  8. manilagrass fairway Philippines This used to be a bermudagrass fairway.

    Not anymore. The transition happened naturally.
  9. These are the grasses during the fourth week of the

    experiment in December 2013. simulated fairway turf Thailand
  10. nual noi was 22% more efficient in water use and

    25% more efficient in N use. It does not require as much water or nitrogen to produce a dense sward. measuring water use Thailand
  11. Tree shade is pleasant on a tropical golf course; what

    other grass is so versatile? tropical carpetgrass Thailand