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PHP FIG: Breaking down the Boundaries (Symfony ...

PHP FIG: Breaking down the Boundaries (Symfony Cat)

Beginning with PSR-0, the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP FIG) has been producing standards for PHP for almost 7 years now and now can boast a complement of a full bakers dozen specifications in progress or complete. Its goal is to make your life, as a developer, easier, whether that be through providing a common coding style guide to reduce cognitive friction or interfaces for interoperability.

This has not always been easy, but slowly and gradually the FIG is stamping down boundaries in the name of interoperability, cohesion and collaboration.

Join me for a tale of how the FIG has grown, and continues to grow, whilst trying to bring the PHP community together.

Alternative download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5httks75982bbi4/Breaking%20the%20Boundaries%20for%20Export%20Lower%20Q.pdf?dl=0

Michael C.

July 23, 2016

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  1. ME?

  2. $logger->alert( 'This is an alert level log message' ); PSR-3:

    LOGGING $logger->critical( 'This is a critical level log message', array('user' => $username) );
  3. PSR-6: CACHING $jeremyRS = $cachePool->hasItem('jeremyRelationship'); // FALSE $jeremyMikola = $cachePool->getItem('JeremysStatus');

    // CacheItem Object $jeremyMikola->get(); // 'Working on his slides' $jeremyMikola->set('Panicking') $jeremyMikola->expiresAfter('3600'); $cachePool->save($jeremyMikola);
  4. HUGS interface Huggable { /** * Hugs this object. *

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  5. PSR-11: CONTAINER INTERFACE /** * Describes the interface of a

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