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Is Your DevOps Team Ready For Microservices?

Is Your DevOps Team Ready For Microservices?

Listen closely. Close your eyes. I know you hear it coming. It's the microservices buzz. Well, by now it is more of a quake.

I've been on 2 enterprise level microservices implementations. One was greenfield and the other was a migration from a FAT service. It turns out that the 2 easiest things to do when moving to microservices are to DECIDE to do it and to WRITE THE CODE. If you stick around after that, you better be ready for a ride!

I'd like to share my team's story with anyone who is thinking about going down this path or who has experienced it themselves.

Michael Scott Winslow

August 24, 2018

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  1. != • Not THAT “Michael Winslow” • Core Applications •

    Spaces > Tabs Is Your DevOps Team Ready For Microservices? @michaelswinslow michael_winslow@comcast.com michaelswinslow
  2. Some background: 1. I was on a team that built

    web services using Spring MVC 2. At some point, the team and leadership decided to pursue microservices 3. We took some time to “Strangle the Monolith” 4. Things worked out well, but it was not always sunshine Now you have a choice: • Hear about the lessons my team learned! (red) • Hear about how great your team is at making microservices! (blue) @michaelswinslow
  3. Controller device Service Repository This is a MICROSERVICE Controller user

    Service Repository Controller account Service Repository @michaelswinslow
  4. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway “Oh no! For some reason requests to the ACCOUNT API have gone way up! At least 3x the traffic of any other API!” @michaelswinslow
  5. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository @michaelswinslow
  6. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery @michaelswinslow
  7. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery @michaelswinslow
  8. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery Note: Unless you are using containers and/or cloud orchestrations tools, these additional microservices will not scale automatically. But Eureka will discover them once they are running. @michaelswinslow
  9. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery @michaelswinslow
  10. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery @michaelswinslow
  11. Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller account

    Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Controller account Service Repository Discovery Retry 3/3 @michaelswinslow
  12. HYSTRIX Controller device Service Repository Controller user Service Repository Controller

    account Service Repository API Gateway Controller account Service Repository Discovery Bye Felicia! @michaelswinslow
  13. Summary: 1. Monolith vs Microservice 2. API Gateway - Zuul

    3. Service Discovery - Eureka 4. Software Load Balancer – Ribbon 5. Circuit Breaker - Hystrix Now you have a choice: • That was amazing! Now tell us what your team learned! (red) • That was amazing! Now tell us what your team learned! (blue) @michaelswinslow
  14. “Being able to scale and distribute your application resources is

    certainly alluring. However, this doesn't come for free. Complexity begets complexity. Soon tools are needed to manage the complexity. Then tools are needed to manage the tools.” – Ryan E, Principal Engineer @michaelswinslow
  15. Is There a Need To Move to Microservices? Are you

    Netflix? Do we need microservices? No no @michaelswinslow
  16. The New Employee 1. There was one developer on the

    team I did not like 2. We brought him on board in late 2016 3. He wrote about 500K lines of code IN ONE HOUR 4. Didn’t explain any of it to the rest of the team 5. And then…HE QUIT His name was … J-Hipster! @michaelswinslow
  17. What is J-Hipster? JHipster is a development platform to generate,

    develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular/React Web applications and Spring microservices. website: https://www.jhipster.tech/ @michaelswinslow
  18. CONS with J-Hipster 1. Code Generator 2. No one knew

    even the basics about microservices 3. Security vulnerability scans stopped working 4. Tons of additional wasted code generated to be a generic solution (DockerFile, Liquibase, etc.) 5. Developers did not know what they could safely remove 6. Not great for TEAM development @michaelswinslow
  19. PROS with J-Hipster 1. Major improvements @ https://www.jhipster.tech 2. Time

    saver if you already understand the code 3. Can really help in understanding of Microservices 4. Sets up a great Spring Cloud Config instance I would certainly recommend J-Hipster for a top- notched lead developer. He/She could generate the microservice code and trim away the unneeded stuff. Once the code is curated, store it in GIT as an initial commit and formal template for future microservices. @michaelswinslow
  20. What you did for ONE you now have to do

    for MANY @michaelswinslow
  21. Suggestions: 1. Do not create all of your microservices at

    once 2. Monitor the usage to find your most utilized endpoints and use that to prioritize your migration @michaelswinslow
  22. Figure 1. Microservices Architecture. As presented by SogetiLabs, 2016, retrieved

    from http://labs.sogeti.com/microservices-architectures-stay/ @michaelswinslow
  23. Figure 1. Microservices Architecture. As presented by SogetiLabs, 2016, retrieved

    from http://labs.sogeti.com/microservices-architectures-stay/ API Gateway @michaelswinslow
  24. “…when you publish a new version of a mobile app,

    the old version doesn’t just magically go away.” – Mark D, Senior Android Developer @michaelswinslow ”Future Proofing Mobile Applications” (Medium, 2018) - https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/future-proofing-mobile-applications-56f37e80cd4c
  25. I caution against moving to microservices in situations when you

    MUST be successful in your implementation AND you are still actively adding complex features to meet a deadline There is a human side as well @michaelswinslow
  26. Recap with DOs and DON’Ts: DO have a reason to

    move to microservices (Resiliency, Cost-Optimization, etc.) DON'T practice RDD (Resume-Driven Development) DO reference other microservice implementations DON'T allow a generator to write production code DO peel off one microservice at a time (Strangler Application pattern) DON'T refactor everything at once DO understand that all teams are impacted (QA, Release Management, Security, etc.) DON'T say “we're doing microservices” #YOLO DO staff appropriately and monitor employee health DON'T ignore the human impact of your decision @michaelswinslow
  27. Questions / Discussion / Feedback Content Management System Open Discussion

    (ideas) 1. Discuss Specific Tools 2. Microservices vs MicroService Oriented Architecture (MSOA) 3. (Anything you want) @michaelswinslow
  28. != • Not THAT “Michael Winslow” • Core Applications •

    Spaces > Tabs Is Your DevOps Team Ready For Microservices? @michaelswinslow michael_winslow@comcast.com michaelswinslow Thank You!