As more organizations transition from a monolith to a more micro-services architecture, organizations are finding significant challenges around governance and lifecycle management of micro-services.
For example, how often have you (developer, ops, leadership) have asked one or more of the following questions?
1. What does it take to create and manage a new micro service? (Metadata Management, governance)
2. How do we identify a micro services canonically across infrastructure/platform services? (Identity)
3. How do we allocate resources for a micro service? (Resource provisioning)
4. What does it take to operate a micro service? (Deploy pipelines, orchestration, monitoring)
5. How do we measure resource utilization and cost of operating a micro service? (Metering and Chargeback)
These questions persist independent of an organization's container strategy or public/private cloud strategy.
Through this talk, I will deep dive further into the above challenges, the impact and share details on the need for a governance system that manages the lifecycle of micro-services. The talk will focus on the following areas:
1.Metadata Management (project info, team ownership info, operational info such as dashboards, alerts)
2. Identity Management (canonical service identifiers, secrets provisioning, distribution and management)
3. Resource Management (provisioning of primitive resources such as CPU, MEM or abstract resources such as RPS)
4. Metering and Chargeback
At the end of the talk, I'll share case studies from Twitter and Pinterest on how they implemented portions of these systems and its impact.
About Micheal Benedict
Micheal Benedict leads Product Management for Pinterest's Infrastructure Platform Teams. Previously he lead products for Twitter Cloud Platform building the next generation compute infrastructure that spans internal and the public cloud. He and his team built Kite - Service lifecycle manager and Infrastructure Metering & Chargeback system. Prior to that he was an engineer building systems that power Twitter's Observability and Monitoring stack. Micheal has a Masters degree in Computer Science from SUNY at Buffalo.