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'ProTalking' your way into Open Source

Michelle Sanver
September 14, 2013

'ProTalking' your way into Open Source

So, you want to join the open source party, but you're not used to every man and his dog looking at your code. You keep putting it off, you don't know anyone involved in the project, you might be a burden...
If you want to get involved but keep talking yourself out of it, let me show you how to take that first step. I'll cover the mechanics of contributing, from saying hello and installing the project to selecting a bug, your first pull request and code review.
I recently joined my first open source project - ProTalk. Come along and let me ProTalk you into Open Source.

Michelle Sanver

September 14, 2013

More Decks by Michelle Sanver

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  1. About ProTalk Videos about PHP! In fact.... If you want

    to see this talk again @michellesanver
  2. “The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability,

    more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in.” - opensource.org @michellesanver
  3. Step 2: Install The Project • Fork the protalk repository

    • Use git clone to get your fork on your local machine • Run ant - this will install all dependencies, clear the cache and run tests @michellesanver
  4. Step 2: Install The Project • Make sure the app/cache

    and app/logs directories are writable by the webserver • Create the database and change the parameters.ini in app/config to set the database connection details • Run the command "app/console doctrine:schema:create" to create the database tables @michellesanver
  5. Step 2: Install The Project • Import the doc/db/seed_data.sql in

    your database for initial data • Creating a admin user for the backend can be done by running this command: "app/ console fos:user:create adminadmin@example.com password -- super-admin @michellesanver
  6. Step 5: What can I do? It’s not your project.

    (But nothing stops you from branching...) @michellesanver
  7. Step 5: What can I do? Communicate! In open source

    - Communication is key @michellesanver
  8. Step 6: How... ? It’s private, for now. (If you

    want it to be) @michellesanver
  9. Step 7: Just do it $ git remote add upstream

    https://github.com/protalk/pro $ git fetch upstream $ git merge upstream/master @michellesanver
  10. Step 7: Just do it Make your changes (You know

    how to code, right?) @michellesanver
  11. Step 7: Just do it Commit often $ git commit

    -m 'Michelle will be pleased <3' @michellesanver
  12. Step 9: The pull request Time to show the world

    (Except those poor sods without Internet) @michellesanver