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Growing your inner data scientist

Growing your inner data scientist

So you've recently found a passion for data science. What next? In this talk I'll try to convince you of the value and effectiveness of sharing your work, contributing to open source projects, collaborating with others, and broadcasting your accomplishments (from small to big). In addition to why, I will also discuss how you can most effectively and efficiently do these, including giving pointers for tools you can use to streamline your process for building a public portfolio.

Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel

October 06, 2020

More Decks by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel

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  1. growing your inner data scientist Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel University of Edinburgh

    + RStudio bit.ly/grow-ds- mine-cetinkaya-rundel cetinkaya.mine@gmail.com @minebocek
  2. David Robinson @drob @rstudio::conf 2019, The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Public

    Work Idea Published paper Preliminary results Draft manuscript Completed manuscript How I used to think of my goals: More valuable Less valuable Anything still on your computer Anything out in the world (Data, code, results, draft, finished paper) (Paper, preprint, product, blog post, open source, tweet) How I should have been thinking of them: More valuable Less valuable Idea Published paper Preliminary results Draft manuscript Completed manuscript How I used to think of my goals: More valuable Less valuable Anything still on your computer Anything out in the world (Data, code, results, draft, finished paper) (Paper, preprint, product, blog post, open source, tweet) How I should have been thinking of them: More valuable Less valuable
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    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  4. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  5. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  6. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  7. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  8. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
  9. library(tidyverse) library(rtweet) library(glue) tml <- get_timelines("CostcoRiceBag", n = 3200) br

    <- tml %>% filter(is.na(reply_to_screen_name)) %>% slice( which( str_detect(text, "IS IT JUST ME")): max(which(str_detect(text, "[bB]lows") ) ) ) %>% mutate(first_word = word(text, 1)) glue_collapse(br$first_word, sep = " ")
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  11. Mara Averick @dataandme EARL 2017, leaRning out loud SOMETIMES I

  12. # March 2019 library(tidyverse) ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y =

    mpg)) %>% geom_point() #> Error: `mapping` must be created by `aes()` #> Did you use %>% instead of +?
  13. Thiago Maciera “The Art of Problem Solving.” In Open Advice:


    1. Don’t be afraid to ask a question 2. State the question clearly 3. Learn established customs before posting 4. Don’t ask what has already been answered 5. Always use a good title 6. Do your homework before posting 7. Proofread your post 8. Be courteous to other forum members 9. Remember that the archive of your question can be helpful to others 10. Give back to the community Dall’Olio, Giovanni M., Jacopo Marino, Michael Schubert, Kevin L. Keys, Melanie I. Stefan, Colin S. Gillespie, Pierre Poulain, et al. 2011. “Ten Simple Rules for Getting Help from Online Scientific Communities.” PLoS Computational Biology 7 (9): 10–12. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002202.
  15. I’m trying to create the following vector in R: "1

    a" "2 b" "3 c" "4 d" "5 e” So I define X to be 1:5 and Y to be the first 5 letters of the alphabet, but when I add them I get the following error. Error in x + y : non-numeric argument to binary operator Q
  16. I’m trying to create the following vector in R: "1

    a" "2 b" "3 c" "4 d" "5 e" Below is a screenshot of what I tried. Why is it not working? Q
  17. I’m trying to create the following vector in R: "1

    a" "2 b" "3 c" "4 d" "5 e" Below is what I tried. What does this error mean, and how can I fix it? Q x <- 1:5 y <- letters[1:5] x + y #> Error in x + y: non-numeric argument to binary operator
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    to oss watch the repo discuss your ideas make a pull request review CoC + contributing guide
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    feugiat lacus eu lobortis. Mauris dictum ultrices tortor sit amet tincidunt. Cras magna metus, volutpat eu tempus nec, mattis vel nibh. Vivamus eros tellus, lobortis id molestie quis, feugiat sed lorem. Proin quis pellentesque justo, vitae elementum eros. Proin orci ex, dignissim sed urna in, congue fringilla nisi. Aliquam id urna orci. Vestibulum consequat, enim et sodales finibus, nunc arcu condimentum odio, rhoncus venenatis ligula sem at lectus. Nullam nec porttitor nisl. Fusce hendrerit, mauris sed iaculis gravida, odio diam lacinia diam, bibendum dapibus metus mi imperdiet ex. Praesent ac urna scelerisque, condimentum est vitae, pellentesque erat. Integer sed hendrerit ex. Sed facilisis sollicitudin venenatis. Nulla fringilla lorem at metus maximus cursus. Morbi facilisis turpis at purus volutpat bibendum quis quis eros. Ut id odio interdum, luctus mauris nec, pharetra quam. Nullam velit risus, consectetur ac faucibus eu, lacinia ut neque. Pellentesque ut aliquet libero. Ut ac neque eget nunc hendrerit commodo. Maecenas vel ultrices augue. blog post portfolio entry competition submission …
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    your workflow share your output contribute to community collaborate with others broadcast your work