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Your typing sucks: A pianist's approach to the ...

Lena Morita
September 02, 2024

Your typing sucks: A pianist's approach to the (computer) keyboard

For the countless hours we spend typing on a keyboard, very few of us have consciously honed this skill beyond the touch typing basics we learned way back when. You make the same exact typos all the time and fumble with the symbols row, but typing is such a mindless activity you barely even notice it.

This is the story of an amateur pianist who realized how the principles of piano practice can be applied to the computer keyboard. Through mindful self-diagnosis and an awareness of biomechanics, anybody can transform their typing technique over a weekend.

See video of this talk at https://www.youtube.com/live/xkLxuQBrzC8?t=5429s

Lena Morita

September 02, 2024

More Decks by Lena Morita

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  1. @mirka PROBLEMS • Location of % ^ & keys not

    memorized • Unclear which hand to use for 6 key • Pinky is unstable when hitting - and = keys
  2. @mirka % ^ & KEYS NOT MEMORIZED Take some time

    to memorize properly (e.g. use mnemonics) 5% 16^n 7&i HEXADECIMAL OFF HOLDINGS
  3. @mirka 🎹 CONSISTENT FINGERING Ideal f ingering may change depending

    on proceeding/following keys But no common enough sequences that the 6/^ key would appear in For now, choose a hand and stick with it
  4. @mirka - AND = KEYS UNSTABLE • Far from home

    position • Awkward angle • “Weak” f inger
  5. @mirka BEFORE - AND = KEYS UNSTABLE • Similar wrist

    angle for both keys • Pushing pinky forward for - • Stretching pinky out for =
  6. @mirka 🎹 USE LARGER MUSCLES Harder to make accurate movements

    with small “ f inger” muscles Focus more on: • Arm rotation • Shoulder movements
  7. @mirka AFTER - AND = KEYS UNSTABLE Adjust elbow position

    and forearm rotation Arm does the work, not pinky (Also good for RSI prevention!)
  8. @mirka PROBLEMS (ROUND 2) • Types $ instead of %

    • Types * instead of # But not vice versa!
  9. @mirka $ INSTEAD OF % I don’t mistype 4 and

    5 Why only the symbols above it?
  10. @mirka $ INSTEAD OF % Very uncomfortable, but $ was

    slightly easier to reach Only di ff erentiated by pointer f inger angle Pinky has no grip
  11. @mirka 🎹 USE FINGER PAD, NOT NAIL Cannot grip key

    with f ingernail Angle your hand so f leshy f inger pad can grip the key without slipping Nails should be clipped
  12. @mirka * INSTEAD OF # Both middle f inger keys,

    am I confusing them? Why do I want to hit * , but not the other way around?
  13. @mirka * INSTEAD OF # Same-hand SHIFT again! Pinky has

    no grip, f inger stretch uncomfortable Opposite-hand SHIFT solves issue immediately
  14. @mirka EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT • Finger length, f ingertip shapes

    can vary • Observe what you are doing and notice uncomfortable/unstable movements • Adjust your form (angles, rotation) until it is comfortable/stable
  15. @mirka 🎹 CORRECT MISTAKES ASAP Bad habits are reinforced with

    every repetition Have mindfulness to notice repetitive mistakes
  16. @mirka 🎹 DON’T “WORK UP TO SPEED” Movements required to

    play quickly are often drastically di ff erent from what is su ff icient to play slowly First f igure out a movement that works for the speed you want
  17. @mirka ADVANCED: BREAK QWERTY number — Use the middle f

    inger for the “u” sequence — Use the ring f inger for the f inal “e” select — Use the thumb for the “c”
  18. @mirka TAKEAWAYS 1. Have the awareness to notice bad habits

    early 2. Diagnose the problem 3. Find a form that is comfortable, accurate, and fast