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Apache Spark - Next Generation Big Data Technology

July 17, 2014

Apache Spark - Next Generation Big Data Technology

A presentation I gave at the PHP Cape Town User Group meetup


July 17, 2014

Other Decks in Technology


  1. • @MLnick • Co-founder @graphflow - big data & machine

    learning applied to recommendations, consumer behaviour & insights • Apache Spark committer • Author of “Machine Learning with Spark” • Packt RAW: http://www.packtpub.com/machine-learning-with-spark/book About
  2. Cutting through the Hype • Massive and growing amount of

    data collected • Moore’s law => cost of compute, disk, RAM decreasing rapidly • But data still growing faster than single-node performance can handle • Factors: • ease of collection • cost of storage • mobile • IoT • science (CERN, SKA)
  3. Herding Elephants - Hadoop • Google was doing big data

    before it was cool… • Google File System Paper (2003) -> Apache Hadoop Distributed Filesystem (HDFS) • Google MapReduce Paper (2004) -> Apache Hadoop MapReduce • BigTable (2006) -> Apache HBase • Dremel (2010) -> Apache Drill (and others)
  4. Herding Elephants - Hadoop • Hadoop started at Yahoo •

    Open sourced -> Apache Hadoop • Spawned Cloudera, MapR, Hortonworks… and an entire big data industry • Old scaling == vertical, big tin • New scaling == horizontal, shared nothing, data parallel, commodity hardware, embrace failure!
  5. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

    MapReduce JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker
  6. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

    MapReduce JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance
  7. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

    MapReduce JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance Block Block
  8. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode DataNode

    MapReduce JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
  9. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode MapReduce

    JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
  10. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode MapReduce

    JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance • Map Reduce • Data locality • Fault tolerance Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
  11. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode MapReduce

    JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance • Map Reduce • Data locality • Fault tolerance Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
  12. Herding Elephants - Hadoop HDFS NameNode DataNode DataNode DataNode MapReduce

    JobTracker Task Tracker Task Tracker Task Tracker • HDFS • Replication • Fault tolerance • Map Reduce • Data locality • Fault tolerance Block Block Block Block Block Block Block Block
  13. MapReduce: Counting Words • “Hadoop is a distributed system for

    counting words” (Scalding GitHub) • Map public class WordCount { public static class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text(); public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String line = value.toString(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); } }
  14. MapReduce: Counting Words public static class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable,

    Text, IntWritable> { ! public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum)); } } • Reduce
  15. MapReduce: Counting Words public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception

    { Configuration conf = new Configuration(); Job job = new Job(conf, "wordcount"); job.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); job.setOutputValueClass(IntWritable.class); job.setMapperClass(Map.class); job.setReducerClass(Reduce.class); job.setInputFormatClass(TextInputFormat.class); job.setOutputFormatClass(TextOutputFormat.class); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(args[0])); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1])); job.waitForCompletion(true); • Job Setup
  16. Hadoop Issues • Pros • Reliable in face of failure

    (will happen at scale) - disk, network, node, rack … • Very scalable: ~40,000 nodes at Yahoo! • Cons • Disk I/O for every job • Unwieldy API (hence Cascading, Scalding, Crunch, …)
  17. So Why Spark? • In-memory caching == fast! • Broadcast

    variables and accumulator primitives built-in • Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) - recomputed on the fly in case of failure • Hadoop compatible • Rich, functional API in Scala, Python, Java and R • One platform for multiple use cases: • Shark / SparkSQL - SQL on Spark • Spark Streaming - Real time processing • Machine Learning - MLlib • Graph Processing - GraphX
  18. Spark Word Count val file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") val counts =

    file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...") • Power of functional constructs and Scala language • Same code locally or on a cluster val sparkLocal = new SparkContext(“local[4]”, “Local 4 Threads”) val sparkOnCluster = new SparkContext(“spark://...:7077”, “Cluster of 1000 Nodes”)
  19. Spark Word Count file = spark.textFile("hdfs://...") counts = file.flatMap(lambda line:

    line.split(" ")) \ .map(lambda word: (word, 1)) \ .reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...") • Python
  20. Spark Machine Learning val points = spark.textFile(...).map(parsePoint).cache() var w =

    Vector.random(D) // initial weight vector for (i <- 1 to ITERATIONS) { val gradient = points.map(p => (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y*(w dot p.x))) - 1) * p.y * p.x ).reduce(_ + _) w -= gradient } • Caching data in memory allows subsequent iterations to be faster • Scala allows concise code, closer to the actual maths!
  21. Spark Machine Learning • Small benchmark dataset - 1 million

    rows • 12x speed up • Spark version is a far more complex and efficient algorithm, and is still 50% code size Model Hadoop ALS (Mahout) MLlib ALS Runtime 6m39s 24.8s Lines of Code 1374 + 137 + 121 + 116 = ~1750 ~880
  22. Spark vs Hadoop public class ImplicitFeedbackAlternatingLeastSquaresSolver { ! private final

    int numFeatures; private final double alpha; private final double lambda; ! private final OpenIntObjectHashMap<Vector> Y; private final Matrix YtransposeY; ! public ImplicitFeedbackAlternatingLeastSquaresSolver(int numFeatures, double lambda, double alpha, OpenIntObjectHashMap<Vector> Y) { this.numFeatures = numFeatures; this.lambda = lambda; this.alpha = alpha; this.Y = Y; YtransposeY = getYtransposeY(Y); } ! public Vector solve(Vector ratings) { return solve(YtransposeY.plus(getYtransponseCuMinusIYPlusLambdaI(ratings)), getYtransponseCuPu(ratings)); } ! private static Vector solve(Matrix A, Matrix y) { return new QRDecomposition(A).solve(y).viewColumn(0); } ! double confidence(double rating) { return 1 + alpha * rating; } ! /* Y' Y */ private Matrix getYtransposeY(OpenIntObjectHashMap<Vector> Y) { ! IntArrayList indexes = Y.keys(); indexes.quickSort(); int numIndexes = indexes.size(); ! double[][] YtY = new double[numFeatures][numFeatures]; ! // Compute Y'Y by dot products between the 'columns' of Y for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { for (int j = i; j < numFeatures; j++) { double dot = 0; for (int k = 0; k < numIndexes; k++) { Vector row = Y.get(indexes.getQuick(k)); dot += row.getQuick(i) * row.getQuick(j); } YtY[i][j] = dot; if (i != j) { YtY[j][i] = dot; } } } return new DenseMatrix(YtY, true); } ! /** Y' (Cu - I) Y + λ I */ private Matrix getYtransponseCuMinusIYPlusLambdaI(Vector userRatings) { Preconditions.checkArgument(userRatings.isSequentialAccess(), "need sequential access to ratings!"); ! /* (Cu -I) Y */ OpenIntObjectHashMap<Vector> CuMinusIY = new OpenIntObjectHashMap<Vector>(userRatings.getNumNondefaultElements()); for (Element e : userRatings.nonZeroes()) { CuMinusIY.put(e.index(), Y.get(e.index()).times(confidence(e.get()) - 1)); } ! Matrix YtransponseCuMinusIY = new DenseMatrix(numFeatures, numFeatures); ! /* Y' (Cu -I) Y by outer products */ for (Element e : userRatings.nonZeroes()) { for (Vector.Element feature : Y.get(e.index()).all()) { Vector partial = CuMinusIY.get(e.index()).times(feature.get()); YtransponseCuMinusIY.viewRow(feature.index()).assign(partial, Functions.PLUS); } } ! /* Y' (Cu - I) Y + λ I add lambda on the diagonal */ for (int feature = 0; feature < numFeatures; feature++) { YtransponseCuMinusIY.setQuick(feature, feature, YtransponseCuMinusIY.getQuick(feature, feature) + lambda); } ! return YtransponseCuMinusIY; } ! /** Y' Cu p(u) */ private Matrix getYtransponseCuPu(Vector userRatings) { Preconditions.checkArgument(userRatings.isSequentialAccess(), "need sequential access to ratings!"); ! Vector YtransponseCuPu = new DenseVector(numFeatures); ! for (Element e : userRatings.nonZeroes()) { YtransponseCuPu.assign(Y.get(e.index()).times(confidence(e.get())), Functions.PLUS); } ! return columnVectorAsMatrix(YtransponseCuPu); } ! private Matrix columnVectorAsMatrix(Vector v) { double[][] matrix = new double[numFeatures][1]; for (Vector.Element e : v.all()) { matrix[e.index()][0] = e.get(); } return new DenseMatrix(matrix, true); } ! } def updateFactorsImplicit( UorI: mutable.Map[Int, DenseVector[Double]], ratings: Vector[Double], YtY: DenseMatrix[Double]) = { ! // set up required intermediate data structures val nui = ratings.activeSize val UorIMat = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](nui, numF) val CuMinusIY = DenseMatrix.zeros[Double](nui, numF) val Cup = DenseVector.zeros[Double](nui) var j = 0 ! ratings.activeIterator.foreach{ case(i, v) => { CuMinusIY(j, ::) := UorI(i) :* alpha :* v Cup(j) = alpha * v + 1 UorIMat(j, ::) := UorI(i) j += 1 }} ! val YtCuY = YtY + UorIMat.t * CuMinusIY + (DenseMatrix.eye[Double](numF) :* lambda) val YtCup = UorIMat.t * Cup YtCuY \ YtCup } vs Matrix / vector multiplication Element-wise operations
  23. SparkSQL • SparkSQL val events = rdd.map { case (_,

    m) => Event(m(“time”).toLong, m(“event”).toString, ...) } ! // complex join and filter in Spark ... ! events.registerAsTable(“events”) val aggs = hql( “select from_unixtime(cast(time/1000.0 as bigint), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00') hour, event, count(1) from events ...” ) ! // save results
  24. Successor to MapReduce • Apache Spark 1.0.0! • All Hadoop

    providers announced support / partnerships Cloudera, MapR, Hortonworks • Databricks Cloud (http://databricks.com/cloud/) • Try it out: http://spark.apache.org/ • Local mode on your laptop • Cluster in Amazon EC2 via Spark launch scripts