send a request for a price to a pricer so I can get a price Scenario: Customer sends a price request and the pricer receive it Given a request for a price defined by "generic_price_request.json" When the customer sends the request defined by: | REQUEST_ID | CLIENT_ID | PRODUCT_INFO | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 42 | X_EUR_BMW_537389873 | 1422207807 | <null> | <null> | <null> | Then the pricer should receive a request defined by: | REQUEST_ID | CLIENT_ID | PRODUCT_INFO | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 42 | X_EUR_BMW_537389873 | 1422207807 | <null> | <null> | <null> | Scenario: Pricer sends a acknowledgment of the price request to the customer Given the pricer received a price request defined by: | REQUEST_ID | CLIENT_ID | PRODUCT_INFO | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 42 | X_EUR_BMW_537389873 | 1422207807 | <null> | <null> | <null> | When the pricer sends an acknowledgement defined by: | MESSAGE_ID | REQUEST_ID | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | PRICE | | 1124d9e8-6266-4bcf-8035-37a02ba75c69 | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 1422219048 | 1 | ACCEPTED | <null> | <null> | Then the customer should receive a acknowledgement defined by: | MESSAGE_ID | REQUEST_ID | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | PRICE | | 1124d9e8-6266-4bcf-8035-37a02ba75c69 | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 1422219048 | 1 | ACCEPTED | <null> | <null> | Scenario: Pricer sends a price to the customer Given the pricer sent an acknowledgement defined by: | MESSAGE_ID | REQUEST_ID | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | PRICE | | 1124d9e8-6266-4bcf-8035-37a02ba75c69 | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 1422219048 | 1 | ACCEPTED | <null> | <null> | When the pricer sent a price defined by: | MESSAGE_ID | REQUEST_ID | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | PRICE | | ac56a704-260b-45f5-85ac-e1b451bb79bc | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 1422219048 | 1 | UPDATED | <null> | 555 | Then the customer should receive the price defined by: | MESSAGE_ID | REQUEST_ID | TIMESTAMP | STATUS_CODE | STATUS_TEXT | TEXT | PRICE | | ac56a704-260b-45f5-85ac-e1b451bb79bc | 110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000 | 1422219048 | 1 | UPDATED | <null> | 555 |