Oh, the shenanigans in the front-end community lately! It's hard to say if they are caused by the "fatigue or enlightenment" from JavaScript, but one thing is clear — front-end development is ahead of the curve, devouring everything in its path.
At the same time, web projects are business as usual. Rails' approach to front-end development is hopelessly outdated: building assets via Sprockets is slow, uncomfortable and inflexible.
In my talk, I will touch base on the current state of front-end development and speak about acute Rails assets building problems. We'll have an insight into modern build systems, such as Webpack, Gulp, Brunch and Rollup — and into how does one integrate them with the Rails ecosystem, through real-world examples.
The talk is intended for back-end and front-end developers, and may also be useful for project managers with an interest in improving their software development process.