the subject of systematic and scientific analysis, it has been codified into a set of procedures … by manufacturing corporations (Philips, IBM)” P E T E R D O R M E R , “ D E S I G N S I N C E 1 9 4 5 ”
V I S I B I L I T Y ) чем более видимы функции объекта, тем более вероятно, что пользователь поймет, что делать дальше. следствие: важные функции должны иметь больший приоритет!
reject) => { ... }) .then((res) => next(null, res)) }; const queue = makeQueue([], 3, 'someParam') queue.push(promise1, promise2, ...); G I T H U B : ★ 1
when trying to connect to Stripe. NoMethodError Undefined method 'code' for nil:NilClass ⾠ ⾠ ⾠ Sorry, we couldn’t charge your card. Your card has insufficient funds! с чем работает разработчик что видит пользователь We encountered an unexpected error while processing your payment. Your card hasn't been charged yet. Please contact us:
upload files to the filesystem Background: Given an uploader class that uses the 'file' storage And that the uploader class has a version named 'thumb' Scenario: store a file When I store the file 'fixtures/bork.txt' Then there should be a file at 'public/uploads/bork.txt' Cucumber (BDD) — превосходный пример сторителлинга при разработке
Design of Everyday Things Deyan Sudjic The Language of Things John Maeda The Laws of Simplicity • Peter Dormer, “Design Since 1945” • Charlotte and Peter Fiell, “The Story of Design” • ▶ Mike Monteiro, "How Designers Destroyed the World” • ▶ Hainbach YouTube Channel