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DataMapper 2 Lightening Talk

Lucas Dohmen
November 18, 2012

DataMapper 2 Lightening Talk

Unfortunately, Piotr Solnica couldn't make it to the conference. I really would have liked to see it and meet him, so this inspired me to give this little talk :)

Lucas Dohmen

November 18, 2012

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  1. RWTH Aachen, Computer Science Student triAGENS GmbH, Developer moon lum

    moonbeamlabs by Lucas Dohmen DataMapper 2 and you What you can do today
  2. class User include DataMapper::Model attribute :id, Integer attribute :name, String

    attribute :age, Integer attribute :phone, Array[PhoneNumber] end https:// ithub.com/solnic/virtus
  3. https:// ithub.com/emmanuel/aequitas class User # Define all the attributes... #

    ...with Virtus ;) # Validate with Aequitas: validates_presence_of :name validates_numericalness_of :age validates_format_of :email, :as => :email_address end
  4. https:// ithub.com/dkubb/veritas require 'veritas' new_relation = relation.project([ :name, :age ])

    new_relation = relation.rename(name: :full_name) natural_join = one_relation + another_relation union = one_relation | another_relation
  5. # Define a mapper DataMapper.generate_mapper_for(User) do key :id map :name,

    :to => :username end # Search for data DataMapper[User].all DataMapper[User].order(:age) DataMapper[User].find(age: 23) https:// ithub.com/solnic/dm-mapper