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Spring Cloud Netf

Benjamin Wilms
September 01, 2017

Spring Cloud Netf

Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Netflix

Benjamin Wilms

September 01, 2017

More Decks by Benjamin Wilms

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  1. Agenda Resilience Ribbon Spring Cloud Timeout Bulkheads Circuit Breaker Simian

    Army Hystrix Fallback Configuration Dynamic Configuration Chaos Monkey Archaius Metrics Stream Dashboard Turbine RabbitMQ Spring Boot Admin ZipKin
  2. Patterns by Spring Cloud Netflix Core Isolation Hystrix Bulkhead Hystrix

    Detect Circuit Breaker Hystrix Timeout Hystrix Monitoring Hystrix, Eureka Health Check Hystrix, Eureka Fail Fast Hystrix Recover Retry Hystrix Failover Hystrix, Eureka, Ribbon Mitigate Fallback Hystrix Fail Silent Hystrix Share Load Ribbon Complement Redundancy Ribbon, Eureka
  3. Semaphore vs. Threads Threads Timeout Handling Isolation vom Aufrufer Fallbacks

    Circuit Breaker Semaphore keine Isolation vom Aufrufer Fallbacks Circuit Breaker (Counting)
  4. Hystrix Overhead 10% > 3 ms Overhead 1% > 9

    ms Overhead 10+ Millarden Requests
  5. Service Discovery - Eureka SPRING-BOOT-ADMIN n/a (1) (1) UP (1)

    - 99c094703dba:spring-boot-admin ( TRANSPORT-API-GATEWAY n/a (1) (1) UP (1) - 7a7cd3e3d526:transport-api-gateway ( ZIPKIN-SERVICE n/a (1) (1) UP (1) - 44ea5b30aa79:zipkin-service:9411 ( General Info Name Value total-avail-memory 329mb environment test num-of-cpus 6 current-memory-usage 113mb (34%) server-uptime 00:17 registered-replicas http://localhost:8761/eureka/ unavailable-replicas http://localhost:8761/eureka/, available-replicas Instance Info Name Value ipAddr status UP
  6. Spring Boot Admin Spring Boot applications Filter n Application /

    URL Version Info Status n ADDRESS-SERVICE undefined 2 UP n BOOKING-SERVICE undefined 2 UP CONFIGSERVER (49f0e0c8) UP n CONNOTE-SERVICE undefined 2 UP n CUSTOMER-SERVICE undefined 2 UP HYSTRIX-TURBINE-DASHBOARD (03dc7b82) UP SPRING-BOOT-ADMIN (58cf2315) UP TRANSPORT-API-GATEWAY (3904cfe9) UP ZIPKIN-SERVICE (23ce6947) UP Reference Guide (https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/1.5.3) - Sources (https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin) - Code licensed under Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë
  7. Ribbon Client-Side-Load-Balancing collects all service instances from Eureka calling remote

    service by logical-name (Eureka) calling remote service instances by round-robbin
  8. Transport Service Booking Request create-booking.sh (demo-scripts) % Total % Received

    % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 730 0 411 100 319 131 102 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 131 { "fallback": false, "connoteDTO": { "fallback": false, "connote": 4994510 }, "customerDTO": { "customerId": 1, "customerName": "Meier" }, "service-response-status": [ { "serviceName": "booking-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "connote-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > sender", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > receiver", "status": "OK" },
  9. AOP - Chaos Monkey @EnableChaosMonkey @EnableChaosMonkey @SpringBootApplication public class ConnoteServiceApplication

    { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(ConnoteServiceApplication.class, args); } }
  10. chaos.monkey.active=(true | false) AOP - Chaos Monkey @Around @Around("execution( de.codecentric.resilient...Service.(..))")

    public Object proceedAround(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable { ... return pjp.proceed(); }
  11. Configuration @ Runtime Archaius dynamic & typed thread safe polling

    framework callback mechanism dynamic configuration
  12. Spring Cloud Config <> Archaius Spring Configuration Proxy @Configuration public

    class DefautConfiguration { @RefreshScope @Bean public AbstractConfiguration archaiusConfiguration() throws Exception { LOGGER.info("Enable Archaius Configuration"); ConcurrentMapConfiguration concurrentMapConfiguration = new ConcurrentMapConfiguration(); return concurrentMapConfiguration; } }
  13. Spring Cloud Config http://localhost:8888/address-service/default { "label": null, "name": "address-service", "profiles":

    [ "default" ], "propertySources": [ { "name": "file:/resilient-transport-config/demo-props/application.properties", "source": { "chaos.monkey.active": "false", "hystrix.command.BookingServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds": "1000", "hystrix.command.ConnoteServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds": "1000", "second.service.call": "false" } }, { "name": "file:/resilient-transport-config/address-service.properties", "source": { "logging.level.": "ERROR" } }, {
  14. Activate Chaos Monkey /config-server-props/demo-props/application.properties GNU nano 2.0.6 File: application.properties Modified

    # Props changed by demo chaos.monkey.active=true second.service.call=false hystrix.command.BookingServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=1000 hystrix.command.ConnoteServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=1000 chaos.monkey.level=6 ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos ^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text ^T To Spell
  15. Transport Service Booking Request create-booking.sh (demo-scripts) }, "customerDTO": { "customerId":

    1, "customerName": "Meier" }, "service-response-status": [ { "serviceName": "booking-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "connote-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > sender", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > receiver", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "customer-service", "status": "OK" } ] } somni:scripts benjaminwilms$
  16. What can we do? Caching Messaging Stubbed Fallback - static

    defaults Scaling docker-compose up -d --scale booking-service=2 connote-service=2 customer-service=2 address-service=2
  17. Fallback scaling demo-compose somni:~ benjaminwilms$ demo-compose WARNING: The scale command

    is deprecated. Use the up command with the --scale flag instead. Starting resilienttransportservice_connote-service_1 ... done Creating resilienttransportservice_connote-service_2 ... Creating resilienttransportservice_connote-service_2 ... done Starting resilienttransportservice_booking-service_1 ... done Creating resilienttransportservice_booking-service_2 ... Creating resilienttransportservice_booking-service_2 ... done Starting resilienttransportservice_customer-service_1 ... done Creating resilienttransportservice_customer-service_2 ... Creating resilienttransportservice_customer-service_2 ... done Starting resilienttransportservice_address-service_1 ... done Creating resilienttransportservice_address-service_2 ... Creating resilienttransportservice_address-service_2 ... done somni:~ benjaminwilms$
  18. Service Discovery - Eureka HYSTRIX-TURBINE-DASHBOARD n/a (1) (1) UP (1)

    - 0ff7f4bc8e70:hystrix-turbine-dashboard:8080 ( SPRING-BOOT-ADMIN n/a (1) (1) UP (1) - 99c094703dba:spring-boot-admin ( TRANSPORT-API-GATEWAY n/a (1) (1) UP (1) - 7a7cd3e3d526:transport-api-gateway ( ZIPKIN-SERVICE n/a (1) (1) UP (1) - 44ea5b30aa79:zipkin-service:9411 ( General Info Name Value total-avail-memory 329mb environment test num-of-cpus 6 current-memory-usage 123mb (37%) server-uptime 00:19 registered-replicas http://localhost:8761/eureka/ unavailable-replicas http://localhost:8761/eureka/, available-replicas Instance Info Name Value ipAddr status UP
  19. Feature toggle activate "second service call" public class AddressCommand extends

    HystrixCommand { ... @Override protected AddressResponseDTO getFallback() { if (secondTry) { AddressCommand addressCommand = new AddressCommand(addressDTO, restTemplate, false); return addressCommand.execute(); } else { AddressResponseDTO addressResponseDTO = new AddressResponseDTO(); addressResponseDTO.setFallback(true); ... return addressResponseDTO; } } } }
  20. Feature toggle activate "second service call" second.service.call=true GNU nano 2.0.6

    File: application.properties Modified # Props changed by demo chaos.monkey.active=true second.service.call=true hystrix.command.BookingServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=1000 hystrix.command.ConnoteServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=1000 chaos.monkey.level=6 ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos ^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text ^T To Spell
  21. Transport Service Booking Request create-booking.sh (demo-scripts) }, "customerDTO": { "customerId":

    1, "customerName": "Meier" }, "service-response-status": [ { "serviceName": "booking-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "connote-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > sender", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > receiver", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "customer-service", "status": "OK" } ] } somni:scripts benjaminwilms$
  22. Hystrix timeout - Connote Service ...ConnoteServiceClient...timeoutInMilliseconds=1200 ...ConnoteServiceClient...timeoutInMilliseconds=500 GNU nano 2.0.6

    File: application.properties # Props changed by demo chaos.monkey.active=true second.service.call=true hystrix.command.BookingServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=1200 hystrix.command.ConnoteServiceClient.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=500 chaos.monkey.level=6 [ Read 7 lines ] ^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos ^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text ^T To Spell
  23. Transport Service Booking Request (second service call) create-booking.sh (demo-scripts) },

    "customerDTO": { "customerId": 1, "customerName": "Meier" }, "service-response-status": [ { "serviceName": "booking-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "connote-service", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > sender", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "address-service > receiver", "status": "OK" }, { "serviceName": "customer-service", "status": "OK" } ] } somni:scripts benjaminwilms$
  24. Hystrix Monitoring & Metriken via REST Endpoint via JMX via

    Logfile via Elastic, Splunk und Co. via Messaging
  25. REST Endpoint Zugriff via HystrixCommandMetrics: Result: HystrixCommandMetrics.getInstance(ConnoteRESTCommand.CONNOTE_KEY) { averageExecutionTime: 0,

    commandGroupKey: "ConnoteRESTCommandGroupKey", commandKey: "ConnoteCommand", concurrentExecutionCount: 0, errorCount: 1, healthCounts: "HealthCounts[1 / 1 : 100%]", totalRequests: 1 }
  26. Hystrix Dashboard Spring Boot Admin Spring Boot applications Filter n

    Application / URL Version Info Status n ADDRESS-SERVICE undefined 2 UP n BOOKING-SERVICE undefined 2 UP CONFIGSERVER (49f0e0c8) UP n CONNOTE-SERVICE undefined 2 UP n CUSTOMER-SERVICE undefined 2 UP HYSTRIX-TURBINE-DASHBOARD (03dc7b82) UP SPRING-BOOT-ADMIN (58cf2315) UP TRANSPORT-API-GATEWAY (3904cfe9) UP ZIPKIN-SERVICE (23ce6947) UP Reference Guide (https://codecentric.github.io/spring-boot-admin/1.5.3) - Sources (https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin) - Code licensed under Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë Ę Details Ë APPLICATIONS JOURNAL ABOUT
  27. Hystrix Metriken via RabbitMQ Metriken werden via RabbitMQ bereitgestellt Aggregation

    via Turbine als Consumer Hystrix Dashboard verarbeitet den Turbine Stream
  28. Hystrix Dashboard & Turbine Stream Circuit Thread Pools Hystrix Stream:

    http://localhost:8989/ Sort: Error then Volume | Alphabetical | Volume | Error | Mean | Median | 90 | 99 | 99.5 Success | Short-Circuited | Bad Request | Timeout | Rejected | Failure | Error % book...ConnoteServiceClient 55.0 % 5 0 0 3 0 0 Hosts 2 90th 764ms Median 258ms 99th 1007ms Mean 323ms 99.5th 1007ms Host: 0.5/s Cluster: 0.9/s Circuit Closed tran...AddressServiceClient 25.0 % 4 0 3 15 0 0 Hosts 1 90th 1014ms Median 16ms 99th 1024ms Mean 186ms 99.5th 1096ms Host: 2.4/s Cluster: 2.4/s Circuit Closed tran...ustomerServiceClient 46.0 % 5 0 1 6 0 0 Hosts 1 90th 1016ms Median 17ms 99th 2005ms Mean 316ms 99.5th 2005ms Host: 1.3/s Cluster: 1.3/s Circuit Closed tran...BookingServiceClient 28.0 % 2 0 0 5 0 0 Hosts 1 90th 1230ms Median 32ms 99th 2213ms Mean 468ms 99.5th 2213ms Host: 0.7/s Cluster: 0.7/s Circuit Closed Sort: Alphabetical | Volume | AddressServiceClientGroup Active 1 Max Active 4 Queued 0 Executions 24 Pool Size 10 Queue Size 5 Host: 2.4/s Cluster: 2.4/s CustomerServiceClientGroup Active 3 Max Active 2 Queued 0 Executions 13 Pool Size 10 Queue Size 5 Host: 1.3/s Cluster: 1.3/s ConnoteServiceClientGroup Active 3 Max Active 4 Queued 0 Executions 8 Pool Size 18 Queue Size 2 Host: 0.8/s Cluster: 1.6/s BookingServiceClientGroup Active 2 Max Active 2 Queued 0 Executions 5 Pool Size 10 Queue Size 5 Host: 0.5/s Cluster: 0.5/s
  29. Distributed Tracing Spring Cloud Sleuth & ZipKin ... <dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.cloud</groupid>

    <artifactid>spring-cloud-sleuth-stream</artifactid> </dependency> <dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.cloud</groupid> <artifactid>spring-cloud-starter-sleuth</artifactid> </dependency> <!-- EXAMPLE FOR RABBIT BINDING --> <dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.cloud</groupid> <artifactid>spring-cloud-stream-binder-rabbit</artifactid> </dependency> ...
  30. Distributed Tracing Spring Cloud Sleuth & ZipKin Supported by Sleuth:

    Hystrix RxJava RestTemplate Feign Messaging with Spring Integration Zuul ...
  31. Distributed Tracing Spring Cloud Sleuth & ZipKin Start time 08-31-2017

    10:10 End time 09-01-2017 10:10 Analyze Dependencies transport-api-gateway booking-service customer-service address-service connote-service