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Cosmos DB Security

Cosmos DB Security

Muhammad Sajid

June 17, 2020

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  1. Vi samarbeta med restaurang K-märkt och "Mattillvården". För varje anmäld

    deltagare lagar restaurang K-Märkt en härlig lunch/middagslåda och levererar den till Danderyds Sjukhus.
  2. Muhammad Sajid Cloud Solutions Architect with a passion for designing

    and developing cloud-native solutions. Interested in DDD, Distributed Event-Driven systems, BIG data, and IoT. @sajid_nazeer linkedin.com/in/musa
  3. Encryption at Rest (on by default) • Service managed Keys

    ◦ 1st layer of encryption • Customer managed Keys ◦ 2nd layer of encryption
  4. Takeaways • Use Azure policies • Use customer managed keys

    feature only when required • Use Private link feature to reduce the attack surface • Contact Microsoft for TLS version • Don’t settle for the right solutions . Find new ones, and keep learning.