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Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tr...

Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker

Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker(GLAD)の説明

Convergence Lab.

September 09, 2018

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  1. 紹介する論文 Global-Locally Self-Attentive Dialogue State Tracker Victor Zhong, Caiming Xiong,

    Richard Socher Salesforce Research ACL 2018 http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P18-1135 https://github.com/salesforce/glad 2
  2. GLAD の DSTC2の対話例 1/2 18 前ターンのシステム応答 ユーザー発話 予測したユーザの信念 N/A I

    would like Polynesian food in the South part of town. Please send me phone number and address. request(phone) request(address) inform(food=polynesian) inform(area=south) request(address) request(phone) There is a moderately priced italian place called Pizza hut at cherry hilton. would you like the address and phone number? Yes please. request(phone) request(address)