Mykhailo (@mykbas)

29 Follows

Romaric Drigon


Software engineer, based in Switzerland.
Specialized in web development, and especially Symfony framework. Certified...

2 followers 10 decks

Jachim Coudenys


Father of four, PHP Developer at Combell, Conference Speaker, Zend Certified Engineer and @phpwvl enabler

1 follower 22 decks

Fabien Potencier


Fabien Potencier discovered the Web in 1994, at a time when connecting to the
Internet was still associated with the...

30 followers 25 decks

Hugo Hamon


Hugo Hamon is a PHP and Symfony certified developer. He worked nine years for SensioLabs, the creators of Symfony, as...

12 followers 56 decks