fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects. - Serialization time is at least 25 times faster than Active Model Serializers on up to current benchmark of 1000 records - Why fast? Ref:
much performance improvement ➢ Requested some template_cards which has less children, so response time is not that slow...and hard to tell performance difference - json output format was not same across serializers ➢ Follow JSON:API format - There are some easy ways to improve AMS and jbuilder… ➢ Use Oj as json parser for AMS and jbuilder - Send too many requests to the app at the same time, so taking more time on Middleware layer ➢ Less concurrency on sidekiq
JSON:API format Depends on the data size you response. If it’s small, it may not worth to migrate - What did I actually done with Pandanese? ➢ We decided to migrate to fast_jsonapi for some endpoints that return large json - Was it really the solution for the problem I was having? ➢ No...