code changes 3. Run Huxley [Screenshots overwritten to show visual changes] 4. Commit changes to git 5. Compare screenshots to previous commits (using an image comparison app) 1. Record all tests Screenshots and click events registered to the millisecond Alternative: 2. Make normal code changes in separate branches 3. Keep a master branch for a base to test from 4. Run Huxley on the base branch, then on the working branch for a pixel-perfect comparison.
code changes 3. Run Huxley [Screenshots overwritten to show visual changes] 4. Commit changes to git 5. Compare screenshots to previous commits (using an image comparison app) 1. Record all tests Screenshots and click events registered to the millisecond Alternative: 2. Make normal code changes in separate branches 3. Keep a master branch for a base to test from 4. Run Huxley on the base branch, then on the working branch for a pixel-perfect comparison.
while to get through on large projects. ☼ Browsers Browser selection is supported, but seems a little complicated. Animation Sometimes .gif spinners and JS movements throw errors.