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It's the developers, stupid!

Nicolas Byl
October 10, 2018

It's the developers, stupid!

Nicolas Byl

October 10, 2018

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  1. 5 • Build and automation specialist • Creates deployment scripts

    and pipelines • Needs frictionless workflows from development to staging and production environments
  2. • Package manager for Kubernetes • Templating for needed Kubernetes

    objects • Manage dependencies • Rollout history • Now a CNCF incubator project • https://helm.sh 7
  3. • Keep track of rollouts: • Charts • Values •

    User • … • History • Rollback 10 Todo: Build von History Ausgabe
  4. 13 • Developer without knowledge of infrastructure, containers, … •

    Frontend expert • Just wants to code and deploy • Needs a path to a production-like environment without full CI pipeline
  5. • Build and provide docker images from local source code

    • Immediately deploy to kubernetes cluster • Interact with containers from developer environment • Using helm charts • https://draft.sh 15
  6. • Default charts for many languages • Continuous deployment •

    Direct access to container ports • https://draft.sh 16
  7. 19 • Backend developer • Fixes issues across multiple services

    • Needs debugging in a distributed environment
  8. • Build and provide docker images from local source code

    • Immediately deploy to kubernetes cluster • Interact with containers from developer environment • Many Plugins • https://github.com/GoogleContain erTools/skaffold 21
  9. • Continuous deployment • Direct access to container ports •

    Plugins: • Helm • Kustomize • Kaniko • Bazel • … 22