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Lin-Check: Testing concurrent data structures i...

Lin-Check: Testing concurrent data structures in Java

Writing concurrent programs is hard. However, testing them is not easy as well. In this talk, Nikita presents Lin-Check, a tool for testing concurrent data structures in JVM-based languages. Essentially, it takes some declarations of the data structure operations, generates random scenarios, runs them a lot of times, and verifies the corresponding results. During the talk, Nikita mostly focuses on the verification phase.

At first, he explains how LTS (Labeled Transition System) formalism can help us with implementing the verifier efficiently. After that, he extends LTS to support dual data structures; this formalism is useful for data structures with partial methods (synchronous queues, blocking queues, channels, semaphores, ...). However, such an extension is not sufficient, and some small tricks should be added, which restrict the model a bit but make it possible to use it in practice.

Nikita Koval

July 12, 2019

More Decks by Nikita Koval

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  1. This is a joint work with Dmitry Tsitelov, Maria Sokolova,

    Roman Elizarov, and Anton Evdokimov 2
  2. Speaker: Nikita Koval • Graduated @ ITMO University • Previously

    worked as developer and research engineer @ Devexperts • Teaching concurrent programming course @ ITMO University • Researcher @ JetBrains • PhD student @ IST Austria 3 @nkoval_
  3. 7 var i = 0 i.inc() // 0 // 1

    i.inc() // 1 // 0
  4. 9 We do not expect this! var i = 0

    i.inc() // 0 i.inc() // 0
  5. 12 val q = MSQueue<Int>() q.add(1) q.poll(): 2 q.poll(): 1

    q.add(2) Execution is linearizable ⇔ ∃ equivalent sequential execution wrt happens-before order (a bit harder)
  6. val q = MSQueue<Int>() q.add(1) q.poll(): 2 q.poll(): 1 q.add(2)

    13 Execution is linearizable ⇔ ∃ equivalent sequential execution wrt happens-before order (a bit harder)
  7. 14 var i = 0 i.inc() // 0 i.inc() //

    0 This counter is not linearizable
  8. How to check whether my data structure is linearizable? 18

    Formal proofs Model checking Testing
  9. How to check whether my data structure is linearizable? 19

    Formal proofs Model checking Testing
  10. How does the ideal test look? 21 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() } Initial state
  11. How does the ideal test look? 22 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() @Operation fun add(element: Int) = q.add(element) @Operation fun poll() = q.poll() } Operations on the data structure
  12. How does the ideal test look? 23 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() @Operation fun add(element: Int) = q.add(element) @Operation fun poll() = q.poll() } Operation parameters can be non-fixed!
  13. How does the ideal test look? 24 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() @Operation fun add(element: Int) = q.add(element) @Operation fun poll() = q.poll() @Test fun runTest() = LinChecker.check(QueueTest::class) } The Magic Button
  14. How does the ideal test look? 25 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() @Operation fun add(element: Int) = q.add(element) @Operation fun poll() = q.poll() @Test fun runTest() = LinChecker.check(QueueTest::class) } Do we have such instrument?
  15. How does the ideal test look? 26 class MSQueueTest {

    val q = MSQueue<Int>() @Operation fun add(element: Int) = q.add(element) @Operation fun poll() = q.poll() @Test fun runTest() = LinChecker.check(QueueTest::class) } Do we have such instrument? YEEES!
  16. Lincheck = Linearizability Checker (supports not only linearizability) https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-lincheck 1.

    Generates a random scenario 2. Executes it a lot of times 3. Verifies the results 28 Lin-Check Overview
  17. Lincheck = Linearizability Checker (supports not only linearizability) https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx-lincheck 1.

    Generates a random scenario 2. Executes it a lot of times 3. Verifies the results 29 ScenarioGenerator Runner Verifier Lin-Check Overview
  18. Invalid Execution Example 30 Init part: [poll(): null, add(9)] Parallel

    part: | poll(): null | add(4) | | add(3) | add(6) | | poll(): 4 | poll(): 3 | Post part: [add(1), poll(): 6]
  19. How to check results for correctness? Simplest solution: 1. Generate

    all possible sequential histories 2. Check whether one of them produces the same results 31
  20. How to check results for correctness? Simplest solution: 1. Generate

    all possible sequential histories 2. Check whether one of them produces the same results 32 2 threads x 15 operations ⇒ OutOfMemoryError
  21. How to check results for correctness? Simplest solution: 1. Generate

    all possible sequential histories 2. Check whether one of them produces the same results Smarter solution: Labeled Transition System (LTS) 33
  22. 34 LTS (Labeled Transition System) inc(): 0 Initial state Operation

    with result dec(): 1 inc(): 1 dec(): 2 inc(): 2 dec(): 3 LTS is infinite
  23. 35 LTS (Labeled Transition System) 0 1 2 3 inc():

    0 dec(): 1 inc(): 1 dec(): 2 inc(): 2 dec(): 3
  24. 38 LTS-based verification 4 add(4) poll(): 4 val q =

    MSQueue<Int>() q.add(4) q.poll(): 9 q.poll(): 4 q.add(9) Result is different
  25. 40 LTS-based verification 9 add(9) val q = MSQueue<Int>() q.add(4)

    q.poll(): 9 q.poll(): 4 q.add(9) 4 add(4) poll(): 4
  26. 41 LTS-based verification poll(): 9 val q = MSQueue<Int>() q.add(4)

    q.poll(): 9 q.poll(): 4 q.add(9) 9 add(9) 4 add(4) poll(): 4
  27. 42 LTS-based verification poll(): 9 val q = MSQueue<Int>() q.add(4)

    q.poll(): 9 q.poll(): 4 q.add(9) 9 add(9) 4 add(4) poll(): 4 A path is found ⇒ correct
  28. Lazy LTS creation 43 • We build LTS lazilly, like

    on the previous slides • We use sequential implementation
  29. Lazy LTS creation 44 • We build LTS lazilly, like

    on the previous slides • We use sequential implementation 4 add(4) poll(): 4
  30. Lazy LTS creation 45 • We build LTS lazilly, like

    on the previous slides • We use sequential implementation • Equivalence via equals/hashcode implementations 4 add(4) poll(): 4 class MSQueueTest { val q = MSQueue<Int>() // Operations here override fun equals(other: Any?) = ... override fun hashCode() = ... }
  31. Lazy LTS creation 46 • We build LTS lazilly, like

    on the previous slides • We use sequential implementation • Equivalence via equals/hashcode implementations 4 add(4) poll(): 4 class MSQueueTest: VerifierState() { val q = MSQueue<Int>() // Operations here override fun generateState() = q }
  32. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 49 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel()
  33. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 50 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() Has to wait for send 1
  34. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 51 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1
  35. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 52 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1
  36. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 53 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() Rendezvous! 1 2
  37. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 54 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1 2 3
  38. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 55 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1 2 3
  39. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 56 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1 2 3 4 Has to wait for receive
  40. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 57 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1 2 3 4
  41. Producer 1 val elem = ... c.send(elem) 58 Producer 2

    val elem = ... c.send(elem) Consumer while(true) { val elem = c.receive() process(elem) } val c = Channel() 1 2 3 4 5 Has to wait for receive
  42. 61 val c = Channel<Int>() c.send(4) c.receive(): // 4 register

    as a waiter suspend return element Dual Data Structures [1] [1] “Nonblocking Concurrent Data Structures with Condition Synchronization” by Scherer, W.N. and Scott, M.L. request follow-up
  43. val c = Channel<Int>() c.receiveREQ(): tik c.send(4) c.receiveFUP(tik): 4 Dual

    Data Structures 63 Follow-ups should be invoked after the corresponding requests
  44. val c = Channel<Int>() c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_>

    Dual Data Structures 64 Let’s always pass tickets, for simplicity
  45. 66 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_>
  46. 67 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.receive(0):<s,1>
  47. 68 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4) rt={1}
  48. 69 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4) rt={1} c.receive(1):<4,_>
  49. 70 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4) rt={1} c.receive(1):<4,_> Looks similar
  50. 71 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.send(0, 4): <s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,1>
  51. 72 LTS for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.send(0, 4): <s,1> c.send(0, 4): <s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1, 4) c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1,4)
  52. 73 LTS for Dual Data Structures c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_>

    c.send(1,4) c.send(0,4):<s,2> The only difference is in tickets
  53. 74 LTS for Dual Data Structures c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_>

    c.send(1,4) c.send(0,4):<s,2> The only difference is in tickets Let’s forbid such duplicate transitions
  54. 75 LTS for Dual Data Structures c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_>

    c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} val c = Channel<Int>() c.send(0, 4): <s,1> c.send(0, 4): <s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1, 4)
  55. 76 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit
  56. 77 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit
  57. 78 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit c.receive(0):<s,1> Results are different
  58. 79 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,1> suspended, ticket 1
  59. 80 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,1> suspended, ticket 1 resumed c.receive(0):4 rt={1}
  60. 81 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,1> suspended, ticket 1 resumed c.receive(0):4 rt={1} c.receive(0):<s,2>
  61. 82 Verifier for Dual Data Structures val c = Channel<Int>()

    c.receive(): 4 c.receive(): s c.send(4): s+Unit c.receive(0):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,1> suspended, ticket 1 resumed c.receive(0):4 rt={1} c.receive(0):<s,2> c.send(1,4)
  62. 83 Lazy Dual Data Structures LTS creation val c =

    Channel<Int>() c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1}
  63. 84 Lazy Dual Data Structures LTS creation val c =

    Channel<Int>() c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} 4 4 4 4 Let’s define as an externally observable state as before
  64. 85 Lazy Dual Data Structures LTS creation val c =

    Channel<Int>() c.receive(0): <s,1> c.send(0, 4) c.receive(1): <4,_> c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} 4 4 4 4 Let’s define as an externally observable state as before They should be different!
  65. st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>, c.send(0,4):<s,2>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,2>] rt={1 by c.receive(0)} 86 Lazy Dual

    Data Structures LTS creation c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0): <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} 4 4 4 4 st = list of suspended operations rt = set of resumed operations
  66. 87 Lazy Dual Data Structures LTS creation c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0):

    <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} 4 4 4 4 States are equal iff ∃f:ℕ→ℕ that 1. externally observable states 2. st-s wrt rf on tickets (as lists) 3. rt-s wrt rf on tickets (as sets) are equal st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>, c.send(0,4):<s,2>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,2>] rt={1 by c.receive(0)}
  67. 88 Lazy Dual Data Structures LTS creation c.send(0,4):<s,1> c.send(0,4):<s,2> c.receive(0):

    <4,_> c.send(1,4) rf={2→1} 4 4 4 4 States are equal iff ∃f:ℕ→ℕ that 1. externally observable states 2. st-s wrt rf on tickets (as lists) 3. rt-s wrt rf on tickets (as sets) are equal defined via equals/hashcode maintained by Lin-Check st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>, c.send(0,4):<s,2>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,1>] st=[c.send(0,4):<s,2>] rt={1 by c.receive(0)}
  68. 89 Channel Test Example class RendezvousChannelTest: LinCheckState() { val c

    = Channel() @Operation suspend fun send(x: Int) = c.send(x) @Operation suspend fun receive(): Int = c.receive() override fun generateState() = Unit }
  69. 90 Channel Test Example class BufferedChannelTest: LinCheckState() { val c

    = Channel() @Operation suspend fun send(x: Int) = c.send(x) @Operation suspend fun receive(): Int = c.receive() override fun generateState(): Any { val state = ArrayList<Int>() var x: Int? while(true) { x = c.poll() if (x == null) break state += x } return state } }
  70. Uncovered topics • Verifiers for several relaxed contracts • How

    to run scenarios in the most “dangerous” way • API 91