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TDD is dead - or is it?

TDD is dead - or is it?

Introduction into testing Cocoa applications, given at Mobile Days 2015 in Ankara. 🐳

Boris Bügling

April 18, 2015

More Decks by Boris Bügling

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  2. // I am not sure if we need this, //

    but too scared to delete.
  3. STRUCTURE 1. set up (given) 2. do something (when) 3.

    verify something was done correctly (then)
  4. func testThatItDoesURLEncoding() { // given let searchQuery = "$&?@" let

    request = HTTPRequest(URL:@"/search?q=%@", searchQuery) // when let encodedURL = request.URL // then XCTAssertEqual(encodedURL, "/search?q=%24%26%3F%40") }
  5. override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here.

    This method is called before // the invocation of each test method in the class. }
  6. override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This

    method is called after // the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() }
  7. XCODEBUILD TEST Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2015-04-18 07:37:51

    +0000 Test Suite 'Tests.xctest' started at 2015-04-18 07:37:51 +0000 Test Suite 'AssetSpec' started at 2015-04-18 07:37:51 +0000 Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_archived]' started. 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: initialize, sSharedTilesManagerClient 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: init 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: reconnecting, 0x78eb4100 Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_archived]' passed (1.317 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created]' passed (1.033 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created_with_userdefined_identifier]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created_with_userdefined_identifier]' passed (1.051 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_deleted]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_deleted]' passed (1.037 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_process_its_file]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_process_its_file]' passed (1.042 seconds).
  8. XCODEBUILD TEST | XCPRETTY Executing `/usr/bin/xcodebuild -workspace ManagementSDK.xcworkspace \ -scheme

    'ManagementSDK' -sdk iphonesimulator8.4 \ -destination name\=iPhone\ 4s clean build test | \ xcpretty -c ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}` [...] ** TEST FAILED ** All tests Test Suite Tests.xctest started AssetSpec ✓ test_Asset__can_be_archived (1.253 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_created (1.034 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_created_with_userdefined_identifier (1.049 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_deleted (1.051 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_process_its_file (1.041 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_published_successfully (1.053 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__cannot_be_published_without_associated_file (1.040 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__cannot_be_unpublished_from_draft_state (1.040 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_unarchived (1.038 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_be_updated (1.042 seconds) ✓ test_Asset__can_update_its_file (1.054 seconds)
  9. XCTESTER $ xctester Code/*.swift Tests/*.swift ChoreTests ✅ -[ChoreTests testFailsToExecuteDirectory] ✅

    -[ChoreTests testFailsToExecuteNonExecutableFile] ✅ -[ChoreTests testFailsWithNonExistingCommand] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeClosureIntoCommand] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeFail] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeStringIntoCommand] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeToClosure] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeToClosureFail] ✅ -[ChoreTests testPipeWithArguments] ✅ -[ChoreTests testResolvesCommandPathsIfNotAbsolute] ✅ -[ChoreTests testResult] ✅ -[ChoreTests testSimplePipe] ✅ -[ChoreTests testStandardError] ✅ -[ChoreTests testStandardOutput] Executed 14 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 1.583 seconds
  10. TDD

  11. BDD

  12. import Quick import Nimble class TableOfContentsSpec: QuickSpec { override func

    spec() { describe("the 'Documentation' directory") { it("has everything you need to get started") { let sections = Directory("Documentation").sections expect(sections).to(contain("Organized Tests with Quick Examples and Example Groups")) expect(sections).to(contain("Installing Quick")) } context("if it doesn't have what you're looking for") { it("needs to be updated") { let you = You(awesome: true) expect{you.submittedAnIssue}.toEventually(beTruthy()) } } } } }
  13. ▸ describe the system under test ▸ state what it

    should do ▸ check if it did what you expect
  14. CI

  15. hudson.util.IOException2: revision check failed on http://svn.myCompanyRepo.com/path/to/project at hudson.scm.SubversionChangeLogBuilder.buildModule(SubversionChangeLogBuilder.java:189) at hudson.scm.SubversionChangeLogBuilder.run(SubversionChangeLogBuilder.java:132)

    at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.calcChangeLog(SubversionSCM.java:738) at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout(SubversionSCM.java:899) at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(AbstractProject.java:1414) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.defaultCheckout(AbstractBuild.java:671) at jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy.checkout(SCMCheckoutStrategy.java:88) at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.run(AbstractBuild.java:580) at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1676) at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43) at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:88) at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:231) Caused by: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: [etc...]
  16. language: objective-c cache: - bundler before_install: - bundle install -

    bundle exec pod keys set ManagementAPIAccessToken \ $CONTENTFUL_MANAGEMENT_API_ACCESS_TOKEN ManagementSDK - bundle exec pod install script: bundle exec pod lib coverage
  17. COCOAPODS-COVERAGE $ pod lib coverage Running tests for ConcordeTests [...]

    Code/CCBufferedImageDecoder.m: 115 of 141 lines (81.56%) Test Coverage: 81.56%
  18. func testAsynchronousURLConnection() { let URL = NSURL(string: "http://nshipster.com/")! let expectation

    = expectationWithDescription("GET \(URL)") let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession() let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(URL) { (data, response, error) in XCTAssertNotNil(data, "data should not be nil") XCTAssertNil(error, "error should be nil") if let HTTPResponse = response as NSHTTPURLResponse { XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.URL.absoluteString, URL, "HTTP response URL should be equal to original URL") XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.statusCode, 200, "HTTP response status code should be 200") XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.MIMEType as String, "text/html", "HTTP response content type should be text/html") } else { XCTFail("Response was not NSHTTPURLResponse") } expectation.fulfill() } task.resume() waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(task.originalRequest.timeoutInterval) { (error) in task.cancel() } }
  19. func testDateFormatterPerformance() { let dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter() dateFormatter.dateStyle = .LongStyle

    dateFormatter.timeStyle = .ShortStyle let date = NSDate() measureBlock() { let string = dateFormatter.stringFromDate(date) } }
  20. Test Case '-[_Tests testDateFormatterPerformance]' started. <unknown>:0: Test Case '-[_Tests testDateFormatterPerformance]'

    measured [Time, seconds] average: 0.000, relative standard deviation: 242.006%, values: [0.000441, 0.000014, 0.000011, 0.000010, 0.000010, 0.000010, 0.000010, 0.000010, 0.000010, 0.000010], performanceMetricID:com.apple.XCTPerformanceMetric_WallClockTime, baselineName: "", baselineAverage: , maxPercentRegression: 10.000%, maxPercentRelativeStandardDeviation: 10.000%, maxRegression: 0.100, maxStandardDeviation: 0.100 Test Case '-[_Tests testDateFormatterPerformance]' passed (0.274 seconds).
  21. var testName = "Test 1"; var target = UIATarget.localTarget(); var

    app = target.frontMostApp(); var window = app.mainWindow(); UIALogger.logStart( testName ); app.logElementTree(); //-- select the elements UIALogger.logMessage( "Select the first tab" ); var tabBar = app.tabBar(); var selectedTabName = tabBar.selectedButton().name(); if (selectedTabName != "First") { tabBar.buttons()["First"].tap(); }
  22. KIF

  23. #import "LoginTests.h" #import "KIFUITestActor+EXAdditions.h" @implementation LoginTests - (void)beforeEach { [tester

    navigateToLoginPage]; } - (void)afterEach { [tester returnToLoggedOutHomeScreen]; } - (void)testSuccessfulLogin { [tester enterText:@"[email protected]" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Login User Name"]; [tester enterText:@"thisismypassword" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Login Password"]; [tester tapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Log In"]; // Verify that the login succeeded [tester waitForTappableViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Welcome"]; } @end
  24. @interface ORSnapshotTestCase : FBSnapshotTestCase @end @implementation ORSnapshotTestCase - (void)testHasARedSquare {

    // Removing this will verify instead of recording self.recordMode = YES; UIView *view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 80, 80)]; view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; FBSnapshotVerifyView(view, nil); } @end
  25. OHHTTPSTUBS [OHHTTPStubs stubRequestsPassingTest:^BOOL(NSURLRequest *request) { return [request.URL.host isEqualToString:@"mywebservice.com"]; } withStubResponse:^OHHTTPStubsResponse*(NSURLRequest

    *request) { // Stub it with our "wsresponse.json" stub file NSString* fixture = OHPathForFileInBundle(@"wsresponse.json",nil); return [OHHTTPStubsResponse responseWithFileAtPath:fixture statusCode:200 headers:@{@"Content-Type":@"application/json"}]; }];
  26. #define RECORD_TESTCASE beforeAll(^{ \ [[BBURecordingHelper sharedHelper] loadRecordingsForTestCase:[self class]]; \ });

    \ \ afterAll(^{ \ [[BBURecordingHelper sharedHelper] storeRecordingsForTestCase:[self class]]; \ }); @interface BBURecordingHelper : NSObject +(instancetype)sharedHelper; @property (nonatomic, readonly, getter = isReplaying) BOOL replaying; -(void)loadRecordingsForTestCase:(Class)testCase; -(void)storeRecordingsForTestCase:(Class)testCase; @end
  27. // mock creation NSMutableArray *mockArray = mock([NSMutableArray class]); // using

    mock object [mockArray addObject:@"one"]; [mockArray removeAllObjects]; // verification [verify(mockArray) addObject:@"one"]; [verify(mockArray) removeAllObjects];
  28. // mock creation NSArray *mockArray = mock([NSArray class]); // stubbing

    [given([mockArray objectAtIndex:0]) willReturn:@"first"]; [given([mockArray objectAtIndex:1]) willThrow:[NSException exceptionWithName:@"name" reason:@"reason" userInfo:nil]]; // following prints "first" NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:0]); // follows throws exception NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:1]); // following prints "(null)" because objectAtIndex:999 was not stubbed NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:999]);
  29. ▸ https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/ DeveloperTools/Conceptual/testing_with_xcode/Introduction/ Introduction.html ▸ http://nshipster.com/xctestcase/ ▸ Jon Reid's blog:

    http://qualitycoding.org ▸ http://www.objc.io/issue-15/snapshot-testing.html ▸ "Test-Driven iOS Development" by Graham Lee

    valid until the end of April http://www.catehuston.com/blog/2015/04/15/launching-ios-unit- testing-beyond-the-model/