request = HTTPRequest(URL:@"/search?q=%@", searchQuery) // when let encodedURL = request.URL // then XCTAssertEqual(encodedURL, "/search?q=%24%26%3F%40") }
+0000 Test Suite 'Tests.xctest' started at 2015-04-18 07:37:51 +0000 Test Suite 'AssetSpec' started at 2015-04-18 07:37:51 +0000 Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_archived]' started. 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: initialize, sSharedTilesManagerClient 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: init 2015-04-18 10:37:51.637 ManagementSDK[32645:1001618] CLTilesManagerClient: reconnecting, 0x78eb4100 Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_archived]' passed (1.317 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created]' passed (1.033 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created_with_userdefined_identifier]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_created_with_userdefined_identifier]' passed (1.051 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_deleted]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_be_deleted]' passed (1.037 seconds). Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_process_its_file]' started. Test Case '-[AssetSpec test_Asset__can_process_its_file]' passed (1.042 seconds).
spec() { describe("the 'Documentation' directory") { it("has everything you need to get started") { let sections = Directory("Documentation").sections expect(sections).to(contain("Organized Tests with Quick Examples and Example Groups")) expect(sections).to(contain("Installing Quick")) } context("if it doesn't have what you're looking for") { it("needs to be updated") { let you = You(awesome: true) expect{you.submittedAnIssue}.toEventually(beTruthy()) } } } } }
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.calcChangeLog( at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout( at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout( at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractBuildExecution.defaultCheckout( at jenkins.scm.SCMCheckoutStrategy.checkout( at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$ at hudson.model.Run.execute( at at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute( at Caused by: org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException: [etc...]
bundle exec pod keys set ManagementAPIAccessToken \ $CONTENTFUL_MANAGEMENT_API_ACCESS_TOKEN ManagementSDK - bundle exec pod install script: bundle exec pod lib coverage
= expectationWithDescription("GET \(URL)") let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession() let task = session.dataTaskWithURL(URL) { (data, response, error) in XCTAssertNotNil(data, "data should not be nil") XCTAssertNil(error, "error should be nil") if let HTTPResponse = response as NSHTTPURLResponse { XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.URL.absoluteString, URL, "HTTP response URL should be equal to original URL") XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.statusCode, 200, "HTTP response status code should be 200") XCTAssertEqual(HTTPResponse.MIMEType as String, "text/html", "HTTP response content type should be text/html") } else { XCTFail("Response was not NSHTTPURLResponse") } expectation.fulfill() } task.resume() waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(task.originalRequest.timeoutInterval) { (error) in task.cancel() } }
app = target.frontMostApp(); var window = app.mainWindow(); UIALogger.logStart( testName ); app.logElementTree(); //-- select the elements UIALogger.logMessage( "Select the first tab" ); var tabBar = app.tabBar(); var selectedTabName = tabBar.selectedButton().name(); if (selectedTabName != "First") { tabBar.buttons()["First"].tap(); }
[given([mockArray objectAtIndex:0]) willReturn:@"first"]; [given([mockArray objectAtIndex:1]) willThrow:[NSException exceptionWithName:@"name" reason:@"reason" userInfo:nil]]; // following prints "first" NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:0]); // follows throws exception NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:1]); // following prints "(null)" because objectAtIndex:999 was not stubbed NSLog(@"%@", [mockArray objectAtIndex:999]);