to be hearable is to be auditory-phenomenological to be smellable is to be olfactory-phenomenological to be thinkable is to be cognitive-phenomenological
can contain sounds, or itches can contain feelings of remorse conceptual contents (including those of indexical concepts) are not referentially individuated there can only be concepts whose referents are non-cognitively-phenomenal states
not identified as such acquaintance-knowledge and knowledge by acquaintance have different persistence conditions acquaintance-knowledge just is experience knowledge by acquaintance is knowledge that
causes her to believe that puce things are puce when she encounters them but reliably believing that something puce is puce is not knowing what puce looks like it is not recognizing puce knowing what puce looks like requires experiencing or having experienced puce
may come to have knowledge by acquaintance of it it doesn’t follow that the Taj Mahal is not a physical object the question of physicalism is independent