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The Journey of Software Delivery

January 25, 2021

The Journey of Software Delivery


January 25, 2021

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  1. Le Van Nghia, CyberAgent, Jan 20, 2021
 @nghialv The Journey

    of Software Delivery Developer Productivity Study
  2. About me - CyberAgent • Developer Productivity • OpenSaasStudio •

    ABEMA • Ameba • Building PipeCD • Building Work f l ow Automation System • Building Feature Flags, A/B Testing System • Building Monitoring System • Building Deployment Tool • Infrastructure/Microservices Related Works • Building FRESH iOS App • Rebuilding Ameba iOS App
  3. The Fundamentals Why do we need
 How do we achive

    the goal
 Basic concepts
 Common pitfalls
  4. What is goal of software professionals If somebody thinks of

    a good idea, 
 how do we deliver it to users as quickly as possible?
  5. How do we achieve that goal The feedback must be

    received as soon as possible Every change should trigger the feedback process Analyse and act on the feedback
  6. CI/CD When people say “CI/CD,” they are only talking about

    Continuous Integration. 
 Nobody is talking about (or practicing) Continuous Deployment. AT ALL. 
 It’s like we have all forgotten it exists. It's time to change that. Charity Majors
  7. CI != CD - They should be seperated Artifact Storage

    Verifying and Analysing the Impact Application Code 
 (.go, .java, .js...) Infrastructure Code 
 (.tf ...) Con f i guration Code 
 (.yaml ...) DockerHub, GCR, ECR... GCS, S3... Git Repository Code Storage Actions Continuous Integration Test Code Git Repository Host Environment Artifact Continuous Delivery Artifact Build and Save Artfacts Cloud User Low-risk actions: release strategy, rollback Deployment Dependency Management Provisioning, Installing Artifact
  8. Continous Delivery != Continuous Deployment Continuous Deployment means that every

    change goes through the pipeline and automatically gets put into production, resulting in many production deployments every day. In order to do Continuous Deployment you must be doing Continuous Delivery. Continuous Delivery just means that you are able to do frequent deployments but may choose not to do it, usually due to businesses preferring a slower rate of deployment. Artifact Continuous Deployment Dev, Test Env Artifact Continuous Delivery Prod Env An example
  9. Deploy != Release Deployment is the process for installing the

    new version of artifact on prod environment. 
 When we say a new version of software is deployed, we mean it is running somewhere in the production environment. Releasing is the process of moving production tra f f i c to the new version. When we say a version of a software is released, we mean that it is responsible for serving production tra f f i c. Deployment need not expose customers to a new version of your service. Given this definition, deployment can be an almost zero-risk activity. Turbine Labs
  10. Reliable Process Uni f i ed process for all

    Idempotent and repeatable process
 Visibility and Auditability
 Everyone is responsible 
 Take DX seriously
  11. Reliable Process Uni f i ed process for all

    Idempotent and repeatable process
 Visibility and Auditability
 Everyone is responsible 
 Take DX seriously The key to deploying any application in a realiable, consistent manner is constant practice. Use the same process to do all operations of all applications to every environments Deploying new version
 Scaling service
 Rolling back
 DB migration
 Emergency f i x
 Kubernetes app
 Serverless app
 Infrastructure app Development
  12. Reliable Process Uni f i ed process for all

    Idempotent and repeatable process
 Visibility and Auditability
 Everyone is responsible 
 Take DX seriously Avoid side effect in the process. The version of tools/dependencies should be speci f i ed. 
 Artifacts should be immutable and reused in all environment . containers: - image: gcr.io/awesome-docker-image:latest bases: - git@github.com:awesome/kustomization-base?ref=v0.1.2-15 containers: - image: gcr.io/awesome-docker-image:v0.1.0 bases: - git@github.com:awesome/kustomization-base Do not use latest Do not use branch
  13. Reliable Process Uni f i ed process for all

    Idempotent and repeatable process
 Visibility and Auditability
 Everyone is responsible 
 Take DX seriously People introduce errors, and are not auditable
  14. Reliable Process Uni f i ed process for all

    Idempotent and repeatable process
 Visibility and Auditability
 Everyone is responsible 
 Take DX seriously Clearly log the activities
 Keep everything in version control Make developer loves the process Less repository is better life Everybody is reponsible to build/use/improve the delivery process
 Even business man, manager can easy to release their features
  15. Low-risk Process Test Static analysis, unit test, integration test, e2e

    test Small changes Veri f i cation based on metrics, logs, events Rolling back Automation Progressive Delivery
  16. What is Progressive Delivery Continuous Delivery helps team move faster

    by making each change small and manageable.
 Progressive Delivery helps team move safer by reducing the risk of each change by controlling the audience exposed. Progressive Delivery is continous delivery with f i ne-grained control over the blast radius. James Governor, ReadMonk
  17. How to enable Progressive Delivery Progressive Delivery comes in two

    complementary f l avors: environment and user. You can deliver progressively to environments using canary or blue-green deployments to limit exposure when new version is deployed (instance, region, env...). Progressive Delivery for users, on the other hand, lets you limit the exposure of which users see a new change. Decide the strategy of exposure Analyse the feedback to decide whether to go on or rollback
  18. How to enable Progressive Delivery - Canary Canary Release +

    Canary Analysis + Automated Rollback Image Source
  19. How to enable Progressive Delivery - Feature Flags Image Source

    Dev Team Beta Testers All Users Deploy f i rst and control the exposure from management page or by automation
  20. What is GitOps? Operations by Pull Request - weaveworks The

    core idea Store the desired state of application declaratively in the Git repository 
 and Sync them to host environment. Git Repository Host Environment Sync to match Cloud User What artifact should be released What strategy should be used What is the desired con f i guration Agent PR to change image from v1 to v2 PR to scale app from 100 to 200 replicas PR to update revert commit to rollback PR to update LB con f i guration
  21. What is GitOps? GitOps is only for CD not CI

    Artifact Storage Application Code 
 (.go, .java, .js...) Infrastructure Code 
 (.tf ...) Con f i guration Code 
 (.yaml ...) DockerHub, GCR, ECR... GCS, S3... Git Repository Code Storage Actions Continuous Integration Git Repository Host Environment Continuous Delivery Artifact Cloud User GitOps Agent Git Repository What artifact should be released What strategy should be used What is the desired con f i guration
  22. Benefits of GitOps Unifying Deployment, Monitoring and Management.
 Git as

    the single source of truth of a system's desired state. 
 ALL intended operations are committed
 by pull request
 ALL di f f s between inteneded and observed state with automatic convergence
 ALL changes are observable, veri f i able
 and auditable
  23. Conclusion • Same process for all operations, all applications, all

    environments • Small change, frequent deployment • Automate almost everything • Delivery process is the whole teams's responsibility • Take developer experience seriously