Range: 500-‐1425 CE Byzan2ne Key Terms/Concepts: Icon, Venera:on, proskynesis, acheiropoietai, palladium, Iconoclasm, Pantokrator, Acheiropoietos, Theotokos, Hodegetria, Orans, Blacherni:ssa, Eleousa, Glykophilsousa, Festal, Iconoclast, Iconophile, Iconodule, Iconostasis. Key Monuments: 8-‐28, Vladimir Virgin, Constan:nople, 12th Century 8-‐14, Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, St. Catherine at Mt. Sinai, second half of the 6th century. 8-‐15, The Crucifixion and Iconoclasts whitewashing an icon of Christ, Khludov Psalter, 850-‐75. 8-‐35, Andrey Rublyov, The Old Testament Trinity (Three Angels Visi:ng Abraham), 1410-‐1425.