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Romanesque Art: Pilgrimage and the Crusades

April 20, 2013

Romanesque Art: Pilgrimage and the Crusades


April 20, 2013


  1. Romanesque  Art:     Pilgrimage  and  the  Crusades   Reading

      Stokstad,  459-­‐493.     Range   1000-­‐1150   Romanesque     Terms/Concepts   pilgrimage,  relic,  reliquary,  bodily   relic,  contact  relic,  idols,  idolatry,   martyr,  saint,  pilgrim,  absoluCon,   pilgrimage  plan,  furtum  sacrum   (furta  sacra),  peregrini,  crusades.     Monument  List:     16-­‐7,  Reliquary  statue  of  Sainte   Foy  (St.  Faith),  Conques,  France,     9th-­‐10th  centuries.       16-­‐5,  Transept,  Cathedral,   SanCago  de  Compostela,   1078-­‐1122.         483,  Giselbertus  (?),  Last   Judgment  Tympanum,  Autun   Cathedral,  1120-­‐1130,  or   1130-­‐1145.     Not  in  Book,  Tympanum,  Ste.   Madeleine,  Vezelay,  France,   1120-­‐1132.  
  2. 10˚ 0˚ 40˚ Paris Tours Orléans Conques Rome Naples Anagni

    Catania Palma de Mallorca Pisa Ferrara Trieste Roscoff Cluny Cologne Nantes Syracuse Cahors Zamora Lisbon Seville Cartagena Nantes Barcelona Palermo Winchester Bury St Edmunds Canterbury Amalfi Maiori Monte Cassino Carcassonne Monte Sant’ Angelo Genoa Chartres Poitiers St Jean d’Angély Saintes Silos Moissac St Gilles-du-Gard Arles St Guilhem le Desert Toulouse Avilés Salerno Atrani Venice Santiago de Compostela Vézelay Kermaria Chatelaudren Limoges Périgueux Le Puy León Bordeaux Roncesvalles Puente-la-Reina A T L A N T I C O C E A N A D R I A T I C S E A P Y R EN E E S A L P S M E D I T E R R A N E A N S E A A F R I C A N 0 0 250 miles 350 kms 2 Trade and Artistic Influence major pilgrimage route city on pilgrimage route with major site movements of artistic style stylistic influence from the Holy Land movement of Arab gold and gems centre for trade of gems and bone centre for import of alabaster from England bronze doors from Constantinople SOU in Germany. A major confrontation developed CRUSADES AND ISLAM order to keep t Muslim contro and good cont opened up new artistic exchan Saint James fus that of the Reco Spain. Between Córdoba was a Despite this co enjoyed cultur TRADE AND A Mediterranean From the Islam were imported towns like Gen trading centres the south and
  3. RepresentaCon  of  a   typical  pilgrim.   Floppy  hat  with

      scalloped  shell   Shabby  tunic   Walking  sCck/ staff   PracCcal  boots  
  4. entrance westwork Each  radiaCng  chapel  contains  some  kind  of  

    relic  or  holy  image.   San2ago   (St.  James)  
  5. Thought  to  be  where  the   boat  carrying  the  saint

     body   docked,  but  actually   dedicated  to  a  Roman  god.  
  6.             Christ  in  Majesty  

              Good                                    Wicked                           Hell                           Heaven  
  7. Hell  Mouth   Ammut  the  Devourer,  The  Book  of  the

     Dead  of   Hunefer   Ladder  of  Divine  Ascent,   St.  Catherine’s,  Mt.  Sinai  
  8.           Ste.  Foy  (St.  Faith)  being

     blessed  by  the  “Hand  of  God”  
  9. People  of  the  World   People  of  the  World  

                          Zodiac  and  the  Labors  of  the  Seasons                                   Christ  and  apostles  
  10. CriCcal  Thinking  QuesCons   1.  How  is  the  relaConship  between

     monasteries   and  their  royal  benefactors  complicated?   2.  What  is  the  relaConship  between  monasteries   and  pilgrimage?   3.  How  did  relics  funcCon  in  the  devoConal   pracCces  in  Western  European  ChrisCanity?       4.  What  is  the  so-­‐called  “Pilgrimage  Plan”?    What   funcCon  does  it  serve  in  some  Romanesque   churches?   5.  What  does  furtum  sacrum  mean?    Why  is  it   important?    How  is  it  jusCfied?