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Improving Developer Experience with Github

Improving Developer Experience with Github

Ever wondered how do companies with hundreds of repositories manage them effectively? Things that work for smaller companies don't work at this scale.

Join us to understand how we leverage the Github ecosystem to manage 300+ repositories while staying sane.

These insights would help you automate common workflows, and can be integrated into existing systems by smaller teams easily


Niraj Palecha

March 12, 2022

Other Decks in Technology


  1. 8 Developer Experience is about creating an environment in which

    a developer can do their best work. What is Developer Experience? a roundup of links and goodness - James Governor
  2. 14 14 - Avoid any surprises - Integrate changes from

    multiple team members in a single repo - Run tests & builds on each change Continuous Integration
  3. 15

  4. 16 16 - Avoid any surprises - Integrate changes from

    multiple team members in a single repo - Run tests & builds on each change Continuous Integration
  5. 18

  6. 19

  7. 20

  8. 21

  9. 22

  10. 23

  11. 24

  12. 28 More things you can do - Use gh cli

    - Configure Branch protection rules - Configure Dependabot - Use Settings.yml app
  13. 30 - Join our Meetup group meetup.com/medly-tech-connect-pune/events/ - Read our

    Engineering Blog medly.tech/ - Contribute to our OSS github.com/medly
  14. 32 References - What is Developer Experience? a roundup of

    links and goodness - Github Actions: https://github.com/sdras/awesome-actions