Conference. RuPy is a unique conference that brings together communities from different state-of-the-art programming languages Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Clojure and related technologies. RuPy is now PolyConf RuPy evolved into PolyConf, we are expending to include more programming languages.
Conference since 2007 people twitting as follows in the Internet people twitting as follows in the Internet Crystal is Ruby inspired Systax Elixir is Ruby like Erlang Swift(Apple) for Rubyist (Ruby like Objective-C) Rust(Mozila) is Ruby like C++/Java/C Coffeescript is Ruby like Javascript, into Ecmascript2015 SCALA is Ruby like Java (More Functional) Groovy is Ruby like Jacascript Julia is Ruby/Python like Matlab, R C++/11 is RuPy like C++ (More By Boost) JVM7.0 finally Invoke Dynamic ◦ Easy to Read, Easy to Learn, Easy to think ◦ Less Noise, Less Cellemony, Less Magic Spelling ◦ Comfortable, like, Love , so Community love Ruby/Python ◦ Computer Scientists respect Ruby ◦ Small Talk &LISP communities respect Ruby
key) if hm == types.nil ret = types.nil; else if ret =; else ret = types.nil; end end end 18 ・ダイナミック言語 ・Matlab/Simulink内部で動き、 変換機(トランスパイラ) が C言語を生成する。
Erik Michaels- -Ober Ober @ @sferik sferik ・ ・“ “Writing Fast Ruby at Writing Fast Ruby at Baruco Baruco” ” 2014 2014 ・ ・“ “An Introduction to Crystal An Introduction to Crystal” ” at at PolyConf PolyConf 2015 2015
type Statically type- -checked but without having to specify the checked but without having to specify the type of variables or method arguments. type of variables or method arguments. Compile to efficient native code. Compile to efficient native code. http://crystal http://crystal- / https:// -suz/Crystallian suz/Crystallian Twitter Twitter: :# #Crystallang Crystallang Crystal Crystal- -jp jp 東京 東京Crystal Crystal勉強会 勉強会#1 #1 in in 五反田 五反田 7/31 7/31( (金) 金) Sake Driven learning Crystal Sake Driven learning Crystal e-ZUKA Tech NightでPR